I cant take it anymore ch.111

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Riker:Laura hurry!

Laura:Im coming

Ross:Come on we gonna be late

(Cody walked in)



(Laura came up)

Laura:Ok ready

(They pulled in the car and drove to the airport)

(When they got there they got out and there luggage)

(They turned in there tickets)

Laura:So excited

Cody:Ya have you thought of any names

Laura:No still deciding


(They waited till it was time to get on the plane)

(They went on it)

Ross:Im so excited for hawaii riker scored good tickets thats a first

(Laura laughed)


(A few hours later on the plane landed)

(They got out and got there bags)

(There got into into the taxi to drive to the hotel)

Cody:So excited

(Laura laughed)

(Cody smiled at her cuteness)

(Ross tried to not to be jealous)

Ross:Im excited too

Laura:Haha ya our second baby

(Ross smiled)

(They arrived at the hotel)

Laura:Ahhh Hawaii

Riker:Woo its hawaii

(Laura smiled)

Ross:Come on

(They went in and got there keys to there rooms)

(They went on the elevator)

(Laura was making sour faces)

Riker:Whats wrong

Laura:Oh nothing baby's kicking(She said sounding awkward)

(They arrived on there floor)

(Riker and vanessa went to there room and cody went to his)

(Ross and laura opened the door to there glamours room)

(Laura awed at the sight)

Laura:Its beautiful(She said before a loud grunt)

Ross:Just like you(Smiles)

Laura:(Blushes)Thank you rossy

Ross:Are you sure your ok

Laura:Ya im fine

(She sat down)

Laura:Im worried


Laura:Because the navy should have already been dorn by now today was the do date

Ross:You didnt tell me that

Laura:Im sorry i want this thing out!

Ross:Okay calm down tm you will not even have this baby inside you anymore it will be born today

Laura:(Smiled)I hope

Ross:Do you have any names ideas

Laura:I wanna keep the rnames going(Laura thought)

Laura:Rebecca or rachel



Ross:I want it to be unique

Laura:Um ok rose?



(Laura smiled)


Ross:Like you


(They leaned in for a quick kiss)


(He got into his room)

(He put his stuff down and plopped on the bed)

(He started to text noah)


Noah:Hey whats up

Cody:Just got to hawaii

Noah:Cool have you met any hawaiian babes

Cody:Haha not yet

Noah:How's laura

Cody:Shes fine

Noah:Haha i know she is

Cody:Haha, Listen dude i know you really like laura i can tell


Cody:I know but she likes ross

Cody:Haha sorry i got to go bye














I think that was boring but was it good???

I CANT TAKE IT ANYMOREWhere stories live. Discover now