Chapter XXVII

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Chapter 27

My dearest Alix,

The letter began. My heart started to go wild as two men appeared in my mind. It may well be from Leonel but that was far from the possibility, and it can be Bienve, as much as I fervently hoped it wasn’t.

I sat on the side of my bed and held the post for support. I continued reading.

I know and I am aware how I puzzled you when we last met, my sweet. But let me help to clear your mind. Yes indeed, I know who really are, I know that you are Alix, and not my dear Monica.

My jaw dropped. I put a shaky hand over my heart.

I knew it in the very first moment you spoke to me, though you fooled me that you are Monica for just a short moment, your visage is really striking, and can lead anyone to think that you are really her. But then you spoke. I am not a halfwit, my sweet. You are like Monica in so many ways, even your air alone feels so like her, but I recognize the very small differences. But worry not; I will let you know that you touched my heart.

I went with your flow, and let you believe that you made a fool of me when you really did not. I waited and let things happen and see if I can benefit from them. But then I realized how your hands are as soft, and as gentle as Monica, warm and caring. I saw the thoughts in your eyes, I saw the doubts and those doubts delighted me, my dear and at the same time took my heart. You took my heart with your softness and genuine care. I know you cared for me. And I continued to go with your flow, as long as you are here beside me. I want to make you love me, like Monica.

But then it came to me, just like cold water that woke me up. You may love me but it is such a far thing and you have your reasons to stay beside me. I know that you came to me for all the evidences that my family is responsible for Monica’s disappearance and perhaps death. My sweet, I tell you that I never ever thought of hurting her. It may be true that my father wants her inheritance but I love her more than anything, believe me. There is no reason for missions of this kind because we never did any harm to Monica. I love her too much for that.

I know how the friction gets hotter between our families and God knows how much I desire for this conflict to end. Now that someone mended my heart from its wounds caused by Monica, may God bless her soul, I want to live my life with no complications, that someone is you, my dear Alix. I will not care what father will do about this but I am willing to get out of this war just for you, my love.

If you will let me marry you and be my wife forever, then we will get out of this country and go somewhere in the west and we will live together for the rest of our lives there. Father is confident because he insists that I married Monica already and that I have the right claim to her inheritance, I am his best piece to this game but I can just get out of here if you would come with me.

Do think about all these, my sweet. I will see you at the backyard of the Santo Domingo church just before the sun rise up. From there, we will never come back to our homes again, we will sail away. Everything is ready, just waiting for you. If I will not see you in that place and time, my love, be ready for the things I can do.

I will be thinking of you til I see you again.


My eyes were like glued to the paper in my hands. So it was Bienve.

And he knew all along that I wasn’t Alix.

My throat tightened and I found it so hard to breathe. My eyes roamed the room as I tried in vain to think of what to do next.

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