Mystic Messenger

621 29 27

Aries: Glam Choi

Taurus: Yoosung

Gemini: Jumin Han

Cancer: Rika

Leo: 707 (Saeyoung)

Virgo: V

Libra: Zen

Scorpio: Unknown (Saeran)

Sagittarius: Echo Girl (Kyungju)

Capricorn: Jaehee Kang

Aquarius: Sarah Choi

Pisces: MC



A/N: I know this isn't an anime, but I wanted to do this because I FINISHED YOOSUNG'S ROUTE!!!!!! Another thing is that this game literally has 13 characters and I ran out of space and had to do a random one for Aries (sorry Aries ;-;). I meant to publish this for Christmas but NOOPE. Sorry I never update ;-;. Enjoy! ~ Haru

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora