chapter 3 dreams

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Kellin's POV

it was just us, me and Vic sitting on top of the school where me and my ex boyfriend had our first kiss. Vic took my hand and said something but i didn't hear it. he started leaning in and i did the same, and just as our lips where about to touch... my alarm goes off, waking me from my dream. 

"ugh! stupid school!" i shouted as i turned off the clock. as i got out of bed and got dressed i thought about the dream i had. what did it mean? the only dreams i have about that roof top is with my ex boyfriend, and he's in jail now. 

i put on a quartz in-beaded bracelet and a green choker with a orange heart in the middle of it. i also put on a few simpler bracelets with just some cheap crystal beads on them and some charms. 

as i got downstairs i saw Vic there eating a bowl of cereal and reading a book.

"don't you ever use your phone?" i asked him.

"don't have a phone." he said without looking at me. 

"okay then." i said simply before going to talk to mom about something. 

after i ate and got my bag ready Vic and i went into my car.

"this is your car?" he asked amazed.

"yeah, it's a hunk of crap." i said.

"are you kidding? i would kill for a car like this!" he said as he ran his hand along the leather interior. 

"just ask mom and dad, they could probably get you one." i told him. 

"i couldn't ask that of them." he said 

"your choice." i said before driving off to school. 

once we got there and got out i saw girl turn to look at Vic with goo goo eyes. 

he followed me as i walked up to Katelyn and gave her a hug.

"Vic, this is Katelyn she's my best friend." i told him.

"nice to meet you." he said and shook her hand. 

this guy is so polite! even the queen isn't this nice. 

"so lets get you your schedule and then we can show you your classes." 

"kay." was all he said before we went to the office in silence. 

as i walked into the office to speak to Nancy, the secretary i saw... him.

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