chapter 4 school

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Vic's POV

Kellin is really nice, and he's really cute too... no, i can't fall for anyome. not until i put my past behind me.

as we walked into the office there was a guy there with a buzz cut and a white shirt and pants, and a weird bracelet on. Kellin froze, you could visibly see sweat start to form on him. he began shaking and balling up his fists and i could have sworn i saw tears start to form.

"Kellin..." the boy said before Kellin bolted off down the hall. 

i followed my instinct and went after him. i still have some anxiety about being left alone with people i don't know, i had a panic attack when i first went to my new house for god sake. i chased him to the back of the school where no one was and found him there crying. 

"Kellin?" i asked him nervously. 

"how could they let him out? he was supposed to be there for three years and it's only been six months!" he yelled in anger. 

"w-what happened... if you don't mind me asking." i said as i sat down next to him.

"we where dating since sixth grade, towards eighth grade he would start to yell at me and insult me. my relationship with my parents wasn't so good then and i moved in with him and his family for a year... that's when the real abuse started, he would give me black eyes and cut the parts of me that he thought where too fat... eventually he would violate me and make me feel like a total slut till finally my parents found out and called the police on him." he explained. 

i couldn't believe how similar that was too me. 

"if it makes you feel any better, we're kinda in the same boat." i told him.

"how so?" he asked.

"my mom was abusive to me and my brother, she got arrested for it 

and that's why i'm in foster care. " i revealed to him.

"wow... where's your brother?" he asked. i could see that he regretted that decision once he saw the look on my face. 

i buried down the memory of what happened and forced a smile.

"well, let's go back into the office, and i won't let him hurt you if he tries anything." i promised to him. 

"okay." he sighed as he wiped away the tears and sweat. 

i helped him up and we walked into the school and too the office. the guy wasn't there anymore and it was just the office lady. 

"hey, i'm Vic Fuentes it's my first day." i told her.

"okay, i'll print out your schedule." she said with a smile.

"how are you Kellin?" she asked after a minute.

"okay." he said with a weak smile.

"Jack is back..." he mumbled.

"i know sweetheart. the juvinial court allowed him to go back to school one day a week.

" she said with a sigh. 

"at least it's not too often then." he said with relief preset in his voice. 

"here's your scheduled Vic, i it's matched with Kellin's." she said with a warm smile. 

thanks." i said before following Kellin to our first class. 

i followed him down the empty halls since class had already started. once we arrived at history i saw all my new peers turn and look at me. i could  just feel them judging me. probably wondering why i was wearing long sleeves in the middle of California summer. they probably thought i was a cutter or something, really i still have some signs of abuse on my body and i don't want to show it.

"Victor Fuentes?" the teacher asked.

"yeah." i said looking him over. he was wearing a long sleeve button down with black dress pants and had a shaved head. 

"take a seat next to Kellin and have him fill you in." he said with an authoritative but nice tone. 

"kay." i said and we walked to the back of the class. as the others worked Kellin was catching me up on the great depression and stuff. 

after about twenty minutes the teacher came up and asked to see me in the hall. i started getting nervous but got up and followed him out.

"am i in trouble already?" i said jokingly but in my eyes he could see that i was truly concerned. 

"haha, no. i just wanna explain the way my class works. i usually am pretty laid back and most of the students feel like they can come to me if they need it. if you ever need to talk about anything, no matter how small you can come to me." he said

"thanks." i said with a small smile.

"one more thing, tattoo's don't make you uncomfortable do they?" he asked... odd question.

"um... no?" i said a bit confused.

"good." he said and rolled up his sleeves. 

he had full sleeves! it was kinda bad ass.

"those are cool!" i exclaimed as i looked at the abstract hexagons with little pictures in each one. it looked like each one had a memory of his life, at least that's my take on it.

"thanks." he said with a smile. 

we walked back into class and i went and sat down again next to Kellin. I've grown so attached to him already, that's not a good idea since i'm in foster care. oh well,i might as well enjoy it wail i can. at least i got into good foster care this time, I've heard all the abuse stories of people getting used as cash for their foster parents and being given nothing for themselves. Mr and Mrs Boswik seem nice enough to me... Mikey would have liked them.

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