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Poetry wasn't meant to be happy.

It was intended to give you everything you've ever wanted and then snatch it away in the moments before your fingertips could brush the surface.

It was meant to leave a crack in your flawless exterior. To set flame to the calmest parts of your soul and send you running as far away from the hurt as you could.

But you already know all about that don't you?

You read the words that were drawn on my skin and you said I was lovely, and I made you feel again. I made you feel like you were finally waking after sleepwalking.

I wish I had of known what feeling I made you feel because it was never love and you deceived me time and time again.

You kissed me with perceived passion and touched my scars with mock tenderness. But you were taking. You were taking my small histories and stealing away parts of my heart.

And when you felt whole, the gap in your chest repaired by lashing me with your atrocity, you abandoned me.

You pretended I would come back to life in the spring after winter's intensifying freeze had begun to thaw and the tree's leaves grew again and the flowers bloomed in dazzling colours. But as enchanting as it had sounded when you whispered stories of love and secret adventures, just the two of us, you never meant any of it.

The fairytale that you are now is harrowing. I'm afraid to let go and live in the cold.

But I'm not sure that letting your warmth melt my icy soul, even for a short time, won't cause me to shatter.

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