Chapter 11

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Gabriella's Pov.

Alright i can easily do this.

There isn't anything hard. I just have to get changed, and act. Acting isn't anything hard for me. I shouldn't worry.

I was muttering to myself, while following Antonio to my room. Christofer told him, to give me the room next to his.

We stopped in front of the door, when he spoke.

''U..Um Christofer had them prepare clothes for you, before you came'' he said scratching his neck.

''Okay'' i said in monotone.

I turned around, pressing my hand on the doorknob, when i felt him quickly snatch my hand back.Now i was pinned to the wall, while he looked at me with sad eyes.I 

''I...I just wanted to know why?'' he whispered.

Instead of asking what he meant, i quickly understood. He wanted to know why. Why  lured him in, why did i steal his money. But i couldn't let him think i feel, i can't. I have to remember that i'm acting.

''Because i needed the money''i answered emotionless.

''I...I why would you do something like that, to get money?'' he muttered angrily.

''Because it's easy'' i said bluntly.

''I don't believe you'' he muttered.

''You don't have to'' i said coldly.

''Tell me something'' he said after a minute.

I stayed silent, waiting for him to talk.

''did it mean something to you?'' he said bluntly.

''i..i'' that caught me of guard.

''Tell me did it mean anything to you? Because for me it did! I couldn't get my mind of you, even when i found out, that you stole the money and ran. I couldn't stay angry at you. I kept thinking about your'e gentle face, those forest green eyes of your's, your'e pink kissable lip's, your'e angelic voice, your'e gorgeous body. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and still can't!'' he exclaimed.

I gasped in shock. I couldn't believe him. He seriously wasn't mad at me? for using him, for stealing his money. How could he so easily fall for my game? i never thought that i could make a powerful man like him, step that low, to say something like that.

'' Just say that it meant something for you and i promise, i will give you as much money as you need, i will get you out of here, so we could be together'' he whispered slowly caressing  my  check with his thumb. With the other hand which he was holding, he brought it to his heart, making me feel his fast heartbeat.

Another gasp escaped my lips, as the breath caught in my throat after hearing his word's. I can't believe my eras. Was he serious? How could he say something like this, when he knows me for almost 3 days. He talked as if he was in love with me, as if i meant the world to him. I feel horrible. How could i let this happen? how could i be so stupid?I feel horrible because it didn't mean anything to me, because i was just as heartless as i thought, i was slowly turning into ''him'' and that's the only thing i don't want to turn into.

''I...I can't'' i slowly muttered, looking anywhere but his eyes.

''You can't what?'' he asked as he held my chin up, making me look directly into his eyes.

''I...I can't say that......i can't lie'' i said slowly.

I saw his eye's loose the hopeful look they had, before turning cold, emotionless. His eyes reminded me of my father's eye's when he was angry, or his eye's that day. I let go of my hand which was pressed to his heart, making it fall limply to my side.

''You don't feel anything?'' he asked coldly.

I shook my head slowly.

''Hurt'' flashed in his eyes as he quickly masked it, before he crashed his lip's on mine. The kiss was by force, demanding. He was kissing me hungrily while i was trying to shove him away. 

''Please Antonio stop!'' i managed to croak out.

He stiffened, quickly letting me go.

''Even now?'' he asked.

I quickly shook my head.'' I'm sorry...i really am, but i don't feel anything for you. Anything but friendship. I....I can't understand why would you say something like this! you have known me for 3 day's! and you'r acting as if your'e in love with me!'' i exclaimed.

''What if i am?'' he exclaimed angrily.

''Your'e not!'' i shook my head.''This is just a feeling. You feel the need, to make me want you back, because you don't want to accept that i'm not interested in you. You just have the need to make yourself believe that i didn't use you!. Because for you, just like for everyone else i'm a toy, a prize''i chuckled dryly.

''And this feeling you have isn't love, it's just the need to win me over'' i exclaimed.

''That's not true! i don't feel the need to win you over'' he said softly.

''Again wrong, it's exactly what you feel.'' i sighed.''Antonio you seem like a good person, so please do both of us a favor  and don't fall for me, because i won't feel the same way, i don't believe in love. I will just hurt you, and use you at the ned. So don't do this because....because i'm not worth it'' i whispered, before opening the door knob, and slamming the door shut.

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