Chapter Three

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Chapter Song: When You Were Young- The Killers


I'm on the way back to my house after I stayed at Riley's. After the concert, we went back to her house and basically gossiped all night. I'm not one to do girly things like that, but it was mainly Riley talking about Ashton. They met in the mosh pit and Riley ditched the other guys for him, apparently he made her laugh a lot and she could not stop talking about how cute he was.

I don't know anything about him other than the fact that he is friends with Luke, which does not really appeal to me, but I'm not making any judgments until I know him for sure. Luke on the other hand, of course he was attractive, but he did basically call me a man, am I'm not one to take shit like that. I don't really feel bad for saying what I said to him.

Riley did distract me from thoughts of Luke she did not bring him up once, which made me feel better. I don't care about him or anything, he's just a jerk that insulted me, but what's new? I've been through much worse. We also ate Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream, which is my favorite. I mean girls do need ice-cream once and a while.

I am worried at the moment because I did not respond to my mom at all last night or this morning. She called me at least 10 times and countless texts were sent to my phone, all of which I discarded. She is trying too hard just to get me to respond, and I didn't want something else to ruin my night. I know she will be angry when I go inside.

Me and my mom used to have the perfect mother daughter relationship, we were basically bestfriends. Then she decided to just stop trying with everything, she didn't care about me anymore. She turned selfish and ended up not talking to me for weeks on end. I know why she did it, but it doesn't mean that makes it right. That's basically how I turned into the person I am today, I learn to not care about anyone and when you don't have anyone there for you it makes it easier.

As I parked the car and walked inside, I did feel scared. But she's my mom and I shouldn't be scared of her. I opened the door and walked inside, at first I didn't hear anyone, so I thought maybe she wasn't home. I walked through the kitchen to go to my room. My mom was standing in the door way like she has been there for hours.

"Jesus you scared me!" I said startled.

She laughs, "I scared you? You scared me Andrea! You didn't return any of my texts or phone calls. You could've been dead for all I know!"

"Andy, call me Andy and I'm fine aren't I? I didn't die. I don't see why you have to text me 24/7." I really don't want to get into this with her.

"It's because I'm your mother, I need to worry about you. It's my job. You went to a concert last night where there could be people who could kill you! You don't know people, everyone can be dangerous." She basically yells back.

I sigh, "Yep you really care mom, you care so much about me. I don't even think your feelings are real anymore you just want the relationship we had before, which won't happen. You still think I'm the foolish girl I was, doing everything you say. New flash I'm not." I say as calmly as I can. My anger is building

"You've been becoming more and more of a bitch everyday. And you've been hanging around that friend that sleeps around even more! Where were you last night? You probably slept with someone, I wouldn't be surprised." My mom spits at me

I gasp, "First off, I didn't sleep with anyone! And Riley is not a slut. She actually cares about me, Unlike you! You haven't cared about me since I was 14! I'm 18 now and I don't need your help anymore. I can fend for myself. You shouldn't even be considered my mom, you sure don't act like it. What mom says that to their kid?!" I scream. I can't take her anymore.

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