Imagine - Mycroft

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Imagine Mycroft's face when you have hid his umbrella and he needs to go somewhere quickly but it's pouring outside. He'll search and search but you know some places he would never seek. He'll become crazy of not-knowing something and rush and that is just adorable. He''ll try to read your face to know the hidingplace but you have practised to keep a straight face so it won't work. Poor Myc... But, it seems he will stay home this time. ;-)


So this was a Mycroft Imagine, I know it wasn't the best I have ever written... Sorry. I just can't really think straight because of the pain. Appearently, I have really outdone myself this time since I have torn my ankle ligaments pretty far and it really hurts. I have my ankle in some sort of plaster and now I have to'practise walking but I can't even stand on it, how am I supposed to walk?! I'm in a wheelchair now, yay. At least I don't have to walk. Anyway, I won't burden you sweet people with my pain. Thank you all so much for reading and sticking around with me and please vote and comment: it means to world to me. Request if you want to.  Thank you all and catch you later!


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