Imagine for anonymous pt 2.

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Maddie's POV

RECAP: "I'm sorry kiddo" Dr. Styles said.


"no no" I whimpered and pushed his hand away which was on my leg. He looked at Amy once again and this time she went behind my head and held both of my hands near my head.

"Amy... I'm sorry you have to see this" I saw looking up at her.

"Hey, it's okay. I promise. Don't worry. You know I'm not suppose to tell any of the students but after the swimming unit ends in 2 days, we'll come back to it after a month" She said. 

"Oww" I yelped as Dr. Styles pushed on my foot but also held it with his other hand so I wouldn't move it. 

"That kinda sucks haha" I told Amy.

"Just once more" Amy said while laughing and I laughed so hard because of our joke. I completely forgot about my foot until Dr. Styles looked at me waiting to tell me news.

"Well, it looks like you broke it. I would send you to x-ray but I'll ask the nurse to get a portable x-ray so if it is broken then I can put a cast on it" He explained. I was actually not feeling scared so I nodded as Amy let go of my hands.

*20 minutes later after the x-rays are done*

"So you clearly broke your foot. I'm gonna put a cast on it. any color reference?" He asked

"Black please" I requested

"I'm gonna need to position your leg which will hurt okay?" He said

"But..." I got interrupted

"No buts. You can do it and I'll hold your hands again" Amy said. I smiled at her thankfully and so did Dr. Styles. 

"ok here we go" He said and turned my foot

"Oww let goo" I screamed.

"Its okay kiddo" He said and Amy quickly held my hands so I wouldn't push Dr. Styles away and get this done.

"Hey, just look here" Amy said standing in front of me blocking my view of what Dr. Styles was doing. 

"Tell you what. I'll tell Ms. Andie our gym teacher that you floated for a whole 10 seconds" She said.

"Haha ye- oww" I yelp again wanting to push Dr. Styles off and pulling against Amy's hands who was holding mine.

"Please Amy, let go. I won't hurt him"

"I'm holding your hands so you can squeeze mine if it hurts and also because of that" she laughs

"How long have you been doing this?" I ask her

"A few months. It's quite nice actually" She says

"All done" Dr. Styles says finally.

"Oh thank god!!!!"

AN: Yes, this part is quite short. I was thinking of making this thing into a series, so like something happens to Maddie in gym and Amy is there for her and they usually end up at Dr. Styles office. Would you guys like that or no?

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