Chapter 1

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You = y/n

Your POV

I wake up by the sound of my alarm ringing
Y/n: Gosh! Turn it off!
Nobody turns it off. I just pull my covers off and run to the bathroom. I look like a zombie wearing makeup! I forgot to take off my makeup last night. I damp a wet towel and wipe my face.
Y/n: Nasty!
My makeup smears across my face. Finally, I was able to clean off the makeup. I apply new mascara, red lipstick and eyeshadow to my face
Y/m/n: Sweetie! Don't go overboard on the makeup like last night
Y/n: Mom! I'm 14!
Y/m/n: Doesn't mean you can act like your 20
I roll my eyes at her.
Y/m/n: Go ahead your going to be late for the bus
I walk towards the door and go to the bus. Everyone was taking pictures and screaming. I see a familiar boy. Jacob Sartorius! I really don't like him. He can't sing and he has no talent (sorry) He looks at me and winks. He's so hot though! I just roll my eyes at that Jacob guy. I run to the back of the bus and take a seat. My best friends Loren and Ariel sit next to me.
Loren: Hey y/n!
Y/n: Hi Loren!
We hug and Ariel looks jealous.
Ariel: What about me?
Y/n: Don't be so selfish
We do a group hug.
Loren: Did you see Jacob yet y/n?
Y/n: Eww that ugly singer?
Ariel and Loren: He's not ugly!
I blush and Ariel smiles
Ariel: Ooh it looks like y/n has a crush on Jacob!
I blush again but harder
Loren: She is really in love with Jacob right Ariel?
Y/n: No I'm not!
Ariel and Loren smiles.
Ariel: You should kiss him y/n!
Y/n: stop!
I blush
We don't talk for the rest of the bus ride. After the bus stops at school Loren pushes Jacob towards me. Our lips touch accidentally. Loren winks and leaves. Jacob blushes and I roll my eyes even if he is super hot.
Jacob: Hey what's your name beautiful?
Y/n: None of y-your business
My face turns red and Jacob smiles.
Jacob: ..... ____________________________________________________________

Jacob Sartorius Fanfic *Wattys 2016*Where stories live. Discover now