noob x guest the ultimate fan fic

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Noob was in the blox shop looking for playblox wheen he sees a guest "hey there i noticed you from the porn gallery and i thought you were hunky and masculine" "oh thank you not many noobs like guest" "well i like you" guest308484 started to cry like the ninny he is and invites noob on a date.

As noob started getting ready he had thoughts dirty horny boy going through puberty thoughts and started jerking off oh belive me there was blood infact he used the blood as lube and cummed out blox yelling "ooooh" after he finished he cleaned up rubbed in some alcohol onto his cock and went off to the resturant.

When he got there s3xygirll2233 went up to him "hey sexy give me your credit card infoooo and ill give you pics to do the wackoooo tooooooo" "back off you bitch im not into whores like you" he saw guest308484 sitting waiting "oh my god it's nice to see you again guest i was thinking about you" "i was too and got hard while thinking about you" "mmmmm lets skip dinner and go to my place" "you are a devil lets go".

As they walked to noobs house they stop by a local adam and eve sex store and bought lube,anal beeds,a sex wand,and a whip after getting the supplies they finally make it to noobs house and furiously make out so hard guest broke a tooth it hurted but he didn't care it actually brought pleasure to him they get out the lube and cover themselves and their dicks in it then both of them drunk an entire bottle of skironkiviko vodka and started fucking noob thrusted into guest at maximum speed but guest's hymn hasn't broke yet so he squilled in pain and started jerking off he was bleeding and it felt great while all this is going on death grips is playing in the background.

After three hours of thrusting noob came so much it could end world thirst then guest got the whip out and whips the noobs asshole he starts jerking off the pain and pleasure added to the orgasm factor he cummed early like the fucking cunt he is guest is unsatisfied and chokes noob and rapes him hard when noob woke up he yells "HARDER GUEST HARDER MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A TEDDY BEAR BY STUFFING ME UP WITH YOUR ACCOUNTLESS ASS CUM UUUUH" they both cum and stick the anal beeds up each others asses as each bead cums out they moan until theres no more then they use the sex wand by stuffing it into their dick holes and they cum together then they both fall asleep

I literally made this because i said i would to everyone on discord.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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