Running With The Doctor (Doctor Who Fanfic)

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I looked around the empty white room. I saw weird robot things sitting and/or standing motionless. I saw a strange man sitting before me. Was he holding me?

"Who are you?" I asked. I didn't know anything about what was going on.

"Who am I? Where are we? Why can't I remember anything? What are those things? Why am I-" I rambled on, questions pouring out of my lips as he looked at me with sad eyes. I stopped and walked slowly to him, standing over him as he kneeled on the floor.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, tugging on his shirt. He looked down, a look of disappointment on his face. I went to my knees, becoming eye level with him.

"Oi, you, what's wrong?" I asked, picking up his face with my small hands. I smiled a little, and a wide smile made its way onto his lips.

"Kendall, you're still in there!" He exclaimed suddenly, jumping to his feet and pulling me up with him.

"Excuse me?" I asked, straightening my jacket.

"You, your name is Kendall and your trapped somewhere. That little bit of Kendall, that tiny bit of kindness is still in there, which means she isn't gone! But where is she?" He asked himself, pacing the room as he flipped a green screwdriver in the air. He met my gaze again, his head popping up.

"The database, of course! She's locked up in there somewhere! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He shouted to the world.

He looked at me, grinning before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room and into a hallway where he ran, tugging me alongside.

"I'm the Doctor, by the way." He informed me.

"What did you say my name is? Kendall?" I asked.

"Yes, and right now, in case you're wondering, we are searching for the main database."

"An we're running because...?"

"Because those robot things don't want us to find it. I say we have about, oh, fifteen minutes before they wake up." He said, looking at his watch that was on the inside of his wrist.

I stopped abruptly, causing him to jolt forward because he was pulling me by my hand.

"Well, come on, what part of 'fifteen minutes' didn't you get?" He asked.

"I don't even know you, why should I trust you?" I asked, pulling my hand back to my side. The Doctor sighed, and bent at eye level, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Kendall, you do know me. Your my friend. You helped me when I needed help, and you didn't even know me. Didn't even have to think about it, you just did it. I know right now I sound like a madman, that's because I am one. But right now you just need to trust me, alright?" He asked, staring at me intently. I looked down at my feet, then back at him.

"Fine." I said. Before I could add anything else, he was running again, pulling me by my hand.

"How much time do we have?" I asked as we came to a fork in the hall.

"Six minutes." The Doctor glanced down both halls before going right. We ran past windows that had motionless bodies in them.

"Doctor, are they-" I started.

"They're not real, they never were." He said flatly, forcing himself to not look into the rooms.

"Did you know them? The people they are disguised as?" I asked. He didn't respond, his face like stone. Then, the lights in the halls flickered before coming off.

"Doctor?" I asked hesitantly.

"They're using all of the remaining energy on board to boot themselves back up. We've got to run. Now." He said, picking up the speed and squeezing my hand tight so I wouldn't fall behind. He led us to a dead end with a large metal door. I heard mechanical footsteps echoing from a while away.

"Doctor, they're coming!" I exclaimed, clutching his arm tightly.

"I'm on it!" He said, scanning the keypad of the door with his screwdriver. I saw the rotbotic beings turn the corner and walking towards us and cornering us in the hallway.

"Doctor!" I shouted in fear as they slowly approached. I felt myself falling backwards suddenly and let out a momentary shriek before I felt a pair of arms catch me. I was set on the floor and heard the whizzing noise of his screwdriver before he was standing over me, offering me his hand. I got to my feet and looked at the large mechanism in the center of the room. It had wires spewing from every couple inches and lights that flashed every few seconds.

"Doctor, is that...?" I asked, pointing to it. He nodded.

"Yes, I'm getting my Kendall back!" He exclaimed, a smile plastered on his face. He walked hastily to the controls and began scanning things, flipping switches, clicking buttons as if e knew what he was doing. To me, it just looked like random button-smashing. He began clicking a button and watching a screen until he stopped.

"Ah ha!" He exclaimed, flipping the screen to show a picture of... Me?

"So, you can give my memory back? You can bring Kendall back?" I asked. He stopped for a moment and looked at me.

"You are Kendall, not just some stranger. We'll have you back soon, alright?" He asked. I nodded and he scanned data from the screen into his strange, green screwdriver. He then looked to me, a hint of pity in his eyes.

"I need to scan the data chip with my sonic in order to return all the memories to you. It'll take a few moments, so you're going to have to be strong, all right? You have to keep holding on, no matter how hard it hurts." He instructed. He returned his attention to his screwdriver before I grabbed his arm, making him look down at me. I felt my eyes become teary.

"Is it going to hurt?"


Part 5 coming soon! Keep reading and voting :3

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