Evelyn's Memories

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{if it's okay I want to write this instead of  the scene with Tina and the pool, that's still happening but whilst this is going on. }


Evelyn is pulled down a long black corridor, her face tearstained and sore as she's brought into a bright white cell.

It's a weird room, too bright and too empty except for a metal chair suspended in the air over a pool of a dark coloured potion.

Evelyn is brought to the edge of intimidating the pool.

"Don't worry, it's quick." The lady says softly to somewhat try comfort her, but badly.

Evelyn stands at the edge of the pool and it's as though she's forgotten how to breathe, she doesn't want to die, especially not this way.

The Lady holds up her wand smiling in a rather patronising way, she points it at Evelyn's head and starts to extracts happy memories.

It takes a while to get out Evelyn's memories, for they have been pushed far down, overcome with darkness.

But eventually the memories are shown in the pool as they swirl around forming colourful images. 

A young 13 year old Evelyn is shown smiling brightly as she sees Hogwarts for the first time, it's beautiful turrets lit up with light from it's tiny distant windows.

Next comes her aged 14 flying on a broom, the wind in her hair as she admires the view around her.

Then the sound of laughter from three fifteen year old girls, Evelyn and her two best friends Eleanor and Hazel.

This soon melts away and is replaced but a blushing 16 year old Evelyn sharing her first Kiss after a school dance with a fellow Hufflepuff in her year.

Whilst this is all going on however, she doesn't realise Newt and Tina behind them creeping up slowly.

They were waiting for the right moment to rescue her, whilst being rather captivated by learning more about Evelyn in the magical pool.

Newt feels a pang of jealousy from seeing her kiss at Hogwarts, but he pushes away that thought shocked at what comes next.

The happy bright images fade into darkness as tears start dripping down Evelyn's cheeks, the lady next to her looks confused.

The darkness in the potion has blocked out the happy memories, and replaced them with a tight faced women and stern angry man who are shouting at her.

"You're a traitor."

"You're no daughter of mine"

The man and women fade away leaving a boy with soft brown hair similar to Evelyn's.

He lifts a younger Evelyn up into his arms spinning her around, their doesn't seem to be a huge age gap between them.

"Jerome" Evelyn says out loud.

The lady smiles knowing the potion is back to luring her in.

"You wanna get in honey? You want to join Jerome?" She asks, a sickly sweet tone to her voice.

Newt looks at Tina a knowing look upon his face, he's going to make a move as soon as Evelyn moves.

"Jerome" Evelyn repeats desperately.

The pool now shows Jerome with his wand out, pointing it at her directly, his eyes are forcing back tears.

"Eve please, I can't stop. It's not my fault-" he begins to say before his eyes go dark.

"Crucio" he shouts as Evelyn screams out in agony.

Newt looks at the pool in shock, recognising Jerome from Hogwarts, he knew he was a Slytherin but he didn't think he would harm his own sister.

The lady next to Evelyn looks panicked again.

"Jerome" Evelyn says louder breathing faster and faster as she clutches her arms tightly.

The time is closing in on them and so without another thought Newts moves in, he sends a spell straight towards the lady who drops and passes out on the floor.

He pulls Evelyn swiftly into his arms and she gives in momentarily feeling his warm embrace once more.

Jerome's voice is heard still coming from the pool, she begins to resist Newt trying to get to the pool.

It's as though even through torture she'd still stand by her brother.

"Evelyn we need to go!" Newt says frantically trying to pull her away.

She pushes him as hard she can away with all her force much to Newts shock, he falls to the floor with a loud thud.

This snaps Evelyn out of her trance as she looks at her shaking hands.

A hurt expression is on his face from Evelyn's burst of anger.

"I didn't-" she begins to say speechless at her own actions.

She steps back giving him room to stand, but she's so close to the edge she loses balance.

Newt gets up frantically and lunges towards her, as does Tina.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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