Chapter 34

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(What the kids will look like but I'm not putting them this old. Maybe in the epilogue chapter? I don't know. Comment if you want the kids this old in the epilogue. Oh and their eyes are a dark brown, in the story at least.)

Lucy's POV

We land on a skyscraper. I set the bag down and take the kids out. Mira takes Hana, I take Haru. Luckily I packed diapers. I change Haru's diaper while Mira does the same to Hana. 'We're done. You can come back' 'Ok.' I look at Mira. "We can go back. Natsu says it's safe." "Ok" We gently put the babies in the bag and I put the bag on. We fly up and back to the guild. 'Are they...gone gone or are they still out there?' I ask Natsu. 'They're gone. But Gramps will explain some things when you two get back.' 'Ok.' 'Love ya Lucy' I raise an eyebrow. 'love you too. Let me guess...master is sending you and Mira to destroy their final base.' Natsu goes silent. 'Thought so. Just...say good bye to me and the kids first. I don't know how long you'll be gone.' 'I planned on it.' 

I land in front of Natsu. I hug him. He hugs me back, burying his nose in my neck. "I'm going to miss you Lucy." I hug him tighter. "I'll miss you more. No, we will" Natsu chuckles and grabs the babies from Mira, who got them out of the bag. I mumble a thank you and Mira only smiles and walks in the bar, to say goodbye to the others. I kiss Natsu's forehead. "Go say bye to the others. I wont be the only one missing you." "Kay." I grab the babies, and we walk outside. After we have a mini party, me carrying the babies, Natsu, and Mira walk outside. "Are you going to be able to take care of them alone?" Natsu asks. "Yes, along as you come back as fast as possible." I giggle. Mira hugs me. "I'll miss you Lucy~!" She sobs, pretending. I sweatdrop. "I-I'll miss you too Mira." Mira pulls back. Natsu kisses me quickly then pulls back. "I'll be back. Where did you say the last base was?" I feel a headache coming. "Uh...Paris. You know...the place with the Eifel tower." "Ok!" Mira cheers. Natsu kisses the babies' foreheads. "I'll miss these two." I smile. "Just go. Before I cry. We'll all miss you" "fine~" He pouts. He kisses me before activating his falcon form, Mira activating her demon form. And they take off to the skies. I activate my falcon wings and use one of them to wave. 'Really?' 'I wanted to!'

(Next chapter is the final chapter/epilogue. I'll think of something. I guess... BYE BITCHES!)

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