Chapter 5

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Alex's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since Sami found out her friend died. As soon as she got on the bus she called her friend Kat to see if this was all true.

I guess Jason was killed in a school shooting and after Kris found out she left without telling anyone where she went.

Sami is still trying to contact Kris but of course she isn't having any luck.

"Hey guys we are almost at the venue."

I nod at Flyzik then go to the bunks to get Sami.



I open the curtain to see her looking at her laptop. It was a picture of her with twins and then some guy in a soccer uniform.

"Who's that?"

"That's Kat, Kris, and Jason. We took this after our school won CIF and Jason scored the winning goal."

"How long did you know him for?"

"Almost 5 years. He was such a sweet guy and he really loved Kris."

I saw her wipe a tear from her eye and I crawled into her bunk and wrapped my arms around her. She started crying again and I just held her.

"I'm sorry Alex."

"About what?"

"For being such an emotional wreck. I'm really bringing all of you down."

"Sami your friend just died. Any one of us would be in the same state you are. Plus we all love you."

She kisses me lightly before we both crawl out of the bunk. Jack walks by us and Sami gives him a huge hug.

"Thanks for not getting annoyed of me."

"Of course not baby. You know I love you."

She laughed when he called her baby and I just glared at him. He let go of her and she grabbed her camera then went off to the venue.

"Why the hell did you just call my girlfriend baby?"

"Because it made her laugh. Dude calm down, you know I would never try to take her from you."

"Really? Cause when we first met her you kept saying how hot she is."

"Umm cause she is. But I saw that you liked her so I backed off. Dude this is me you are talking to. Why would I try to steal my bestfriend's girlfriend?"

I just sigh and shake my head.

"I'm sorry Jack. She is just really distant right now. I miss her."

"Dude she just lost one of her friends, not to mention her bestfriend is missing. She is going through a lot."

"I know. I'm sorry Jack."

"It's alright. Now let's go play a show!"

I laugh as we skip hand in hand into the venue. I see Sami look at us and start laughing. I send her a quick wink before she rolls her eyes and goes back to looking at angles.

"Umm excuse me? Alex?"

I turn around to see some girls in All Time Low shirts looking at me.

"What's up buttercup?" Her and her friends giggle before answering.

"Umm can I get a picture with you?"

"Of course!" Jack and I take pictures with all of them before going on stage to set up. I put my arm around Sami but she pushes it off.

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