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Finally a new chapter! Yay!


"Take her away." Negan said before the men threw Enid into the back of a truck.

All I could focus on was the blinding pain in my arm. Although it didn't go through to the bone, the axe still went pretty deep.

They were literally picking Enid up off the ground and chucking her into the back of the truck like a garbage man would throw a bag of trash into the lorry.

"ENID!" I yelled.

She looked at me with tears streaming down her face as the two saviours tied her feet together her to stop her from getting up off the floor of the van.

"Now, your not a little bitch like your father here. Boys pack him up too!" He instructed the men.

At that moment I really didn't care what would happen to me, Enids safety was all I cared about.

The man named 'Dwight' yanked me up by my bad arm and threw me in the back with Enid.

She was sat in the corner of the van with her knees up against her chest with her face buried into the whilst she cried.

"Everything's going to be okay"

"I wont let anything happen to us" She kept muttering to herself.

The doors of the van were slammed shut, and it was pitch black apart from a few holes in the doors.

"Enid." I said moving closer to her.

Her head quickly whipped up and looked at me, some hope was restored in her eyes once she saw me.

"Carl?" She whimpered.

I went over to her and she eagerly wrapped me up into a tight hug, burying her face into the crook of my neck. I gave here lots of tiny kisses on her head.

Her crying became louder, the cry was a mixture of fear and happiness.

"I missed you, I missed you so, so much Enid." I said to her, now starting to cry myself

She looked up at me, I looked down to stare at her beautiful olive green eyes before leaning down and attaching our lips together.

The kiss was sweet and passionate. I've missed her lips so much, words cant even describe.

She broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Carl, I'm so scared." She whispered with worried eyes.

I'm going to get her out of this, I care more about her than I care about myself.(Aye, quoting Glenn)

"It's scary, I know. But I'm going to get us out of this Enid, we're going to be just fine. I promise." I replied kissing her forehead.

"It's not just that Carl." She said.

I furrowed my eyebrows together and gave her a confused look.

"What else are you scared of?" I ask resting my forehead on hers.

She hesitated and sighed before, she responded.

"I'm having a baby Carl."

So there you have it, Carl finally finds out he's going to be a dad!

Sorry I've been kind of MIA guys, I've not really been in the mood for writing this week. But I thought of a really good chapter to write whilst in physics (Wow, I know. I usually use physics to think about plots for the story fml lol.)

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter even though not much happened.

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