Chapter 25

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I ran back home. And by the time I did, it was pouring rain. And I was soaked in water. The end of my hair were dripping of water. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I wiped away a tear that was rolling down my cheek. And I saw some black smeared mascara on my finger. Ugh, my mascara is running. I probably looked like a lunatic. But who can blame me? I was having a heart break, and all I could do was cry. I mean, I could be with my brother and mother to get me off of things. But, I just want to lock myself in my room and cry.

I couldn't believe Austin did this to me! For the second time! And I remembered seeing Daniela in her car, smirking at me. I replayed the moment in my head. The words she mouthed to me... "Sorry, but he loves Hilary more. You're just worthless." Tears ran down my face. I got out my keys of the house and opened it. I slammed the door while sniffling. And then I ran to my bedroom slamming the door also. I got in my pajamas and crawled onto my bed. It felt so soft underneath me. I just wanted to lay here forever, and forget the world. The door creaked open, and I sat up quickly. My mother stood by the door. She had bags under her eyes, and her hair was messy. She had on her baking apron. Had I mentioned she loved to bake? Anyways, she stared at me, with a frown formed on her lips. And she looked sad and extremely stressed. "Scarlett? A-Are you okay? Oh my god, why are you crying sweetie?!" She asked worriedly as she cupped my face in her warm hands. I smiled a little, but it vanished.

"I'm fine mom," I answered. My mom shook her head.

"No you're not, look at you! You're mascara is running and you look like... the mud lady. Scarlett go clean yourself! Then we'll talk." My mother said, as she scrunched up her nose at the sight of my face. I rolled my eyes and went in the bathroom. I wiped away the smeared makeup on my face and looked at the person in the mirror. It was me, but it was the reflection of me. I stared back at myself. A glint of light in my eyes.. But I could see so many sadness in them, tears formed in my eyes. I sniffled and wiped away my tears.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat next to my mom on my bed. She was looking at me with worried eyes. "What's wrong Scarlett? You look so miserable. Is it Austin again?" She asked.

I sighed, "Yeah mom, it's Austin," I said.

My mom sat there shocked, "Again? He hurt you again?"

"Yes, he did. And with the same girl again, I want to die mom." I cried, as tears slipped. My mom embraced me and I cried on her shoulder. Breathing in the flour scent on her.


"I'll be back, mom. Don't worry, please." I said putting on my converse.

"Are you going to see Austin?" She asked wiping her hands with a towel. I shook my head.

"No! I don't want to see that jerk ever again. I'm going for a walk. See you soon, bye." I said closing the door behind me. I sighed and walked to downtown. I walked to the flower shop, the sun was out. Shining down at me, and burning my skin a little. I kept on walking, and I wanted to go to the beach so badly. But who could I go with? I don't have no friends, I lost Daniela. I lost Austin, and even Brandon! I had nobody. And the thought saddened me. Sure my mom was there for me, and Jacob. But I didn't have no friends or a boyfriend to hang out with. I was all alone. Then the thought of my dad being here entered my mind. He would be here supporting me and telling me that everything would be alright. But he's not, he's up in heaven with the rest of the angles. I walked inside the flower shop and picked out a bouquet of lilies. Then I payed for them and exited out of the flower shop. I smelled the flowers and they smelled so fresh. I walked towards the graveyard. There were trees, and their leaves blooming green. I smiled and walked through the graveyard. I got the chills as I walked, they're were so many dead people here. Buried under my feet, and that thought really frightened me.

I reached my fathers grave, I smiled and tears filled my eyes. I bent down to my knees and prayed to my dad.

Daddy, I know you're not here anymore. Not with me, mom, or Jacob. And it always depresses me to know you're not here anymore. I keep remember you always taking me to my basketball games as a little girl. And you always called me, "daddy's girl". Right now, I'm broken hearted. I got cheated with Austin again, my once boyfriend. And he cheated on me with the same girl. And I just really wish you were here to embrace me and tell me everything will be ok. But you're not. I just wish you were dad! I miss you so much! Why did you have to be killed! Knowing that I needed you. I needed you to be here, to help me. I just wish you could give me a sign, so I could know, that you're here. Supporting me. Please. I love you daddy. I always will be you're girl. Even when I have a boyfriend, I'll always remain "daddy's girl".

By the time I was done, I was crying like crazy. Tears were running down my face, staining my cheeks. I hadn't applied makeup today. I just didn't feel like it was necessary.

Then when I finished, I placed the flowers by the stone. And I ran my finger through the top of the stone.

Feeling the hardness of the rock. I heard some leaves being crushed and I quickly turned around. And I saw Brandon, wow great timing! (Note: the sarcasm)

"What are you doing here?" I asked harshly. He took a step towards me, and looked into my eyes. He was dressed really fancy. What the heck is going on?

"I-I was visiting my grandmothers grave, then I saw you here. I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but you look... um.. depressed." He finished. I look on the ground and sigh. Then I looked back at Brandon.

"Yes, I am. Do you have a problem?" I snapped. Brandon put his hands up in defense.

"I have no problem. Jesus, why are you so snappy?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I don't know, you should ask yourself that. You cheated on me, and I was cheated on, a day ago. How can I not be depressed or angry?" Brandon's eyes went wide, when he heard me say I was cheated on again. "W-Who cheated on you, was it Austin?" He asked.

I nodded and wiped away some tears. Gosh, I've been crying so much lately. I was surprised I still had tears. "Oh, um, I'm sorry Scarlett. I-I didn't know." Brandon said hugging me to my surprise. I was going to push him away, but I didn't. I felt safe in his arms, which is very surprising. But I just need this. I needed for somebody to hug me and let me just have some peace and silence. I'm glad Brandon didn't asked any more questions, cause I sure didn't want to answer any. Brandon pulled away and smiled. I kissed his cheek and then stepped back. Brandon was still smiling, and I think he was stunned by the small peck on the cheek I gave him.

"Umm.. I should get going. I was only staying here for fifteen minutes." I said fixing my hair and then walking away.

"Hey Scarlett! Do you um, mind getting some coffee tomorrow with me?" Brandon asked. I thought for a second, and I remembered I had school tomorrow.

"Erm.. I have school tomorrow." I answered back. Brandon looked down upset, "How about like at 6 a.m. tomorrow?" I asked. Brandon looked up and smiled widely, and nodded. I smiled back and waved to him. Then I turned around and walked back home.


For the rest of the day, I just laid on the couch. Watching movies with Jacob, he even questioned where Austin was. I just told him he was in Miami. Because I knew Jacob would get upset if he knew about me and Austin not being a couple anymore. I knew Jacob loved Austin like a brother. But I couldn't make myself from actually forgiving Austin just because of Jacob. I sighed and rested my head on the couch arm. My mom came in the room and saw me looking sad. She walked over to me and caressed my head. Trying to comfort me. But to be honest, it just increased my chances of wanting to cry. "Mom, what are you making for dinner?" I asked wiping away a tear. "Chicken and rice. And some mashed potatoes and corn. Or do you want something else?" She asked in a motherly tone.

"No that's fine mom." I said smiling a little as I looked up at her. I didn't want her to see me sad. I wanted to smile and show her I was happy, but it's like my mind was not letting me to. I was sucked up in some miserable bubble. There wasn't anything that could let me smile.

Fifteen minutes passed and my mom said dinner was ready. I sighed and got up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. My mom had three plates placed in front of three seats. I knew one of them was mine, my moms, and Jacobs.

I sat down on a chair and waited for my mom to pass out the food.

"Soo.. Tomorrow you go back to school." My mom said smiling a little.

"Yeah, I don't want to go." I said stabbing the chicken with my fork. My mom frowned.

"But you have to go! Or you'll have to repeat the grade! You haven't been to school in a long time. Please go Scarlett, you're about to graduate. And you don't want to repeat the grade do you?" My mother said drinking some of her juice.

"No but..."

"Is you know who is going to be there?"

"Nope. He doesn't go to school anymore. He had to drop out cause of his singing career." I said taking a bite out of my chicken. I didn't want to talk about Austin. It always made me think of when I was at the garden. And remembering how he had his arms around Hilary's waist. And she had her arms around his neck. I stopped breathing to try to prevent the tears from falling. My mom was staring at me.

"Oh, well.. So he won't be there?"

"No, I just told you mom! He won't! Which is actually good for me." I said slouching in my seat.

"Ok, Scarlett. Sorry to make you upset. I just wanted to know, now eat you're food." She said staying quiet after that.

Jacob came in and sat in his chair. Devouring his food, dang, he's so hungry. I've never seen him eat that fast. I then remembered I had to meet Brandon at the coffee shop. And I also remembered, Hilary and Daniela is going to be at school. I bit my lip. It was actually more worse to have both of them there instead of Austin. I wasn't ready to see them. No way was I ready! But then again I had to. Ugh, I wish I could stay home. School didn't even seemed important to me anyways. Then I remembered of Austin's friends, they might be there. I smiled as I remembered Alex's face, including Zach & Robert. They were so sweet, they treated me like their little sister. And I remembered when I stayed over at Alex house with Austin and the other boys. And we went to the arcade or bowling... I couldn't remember. Then I heard a knock on the front door. I rose my eyebrow as I looked at my mom. "Who is that?" I asked.

My mom shrugged her shoulders in confusion. I was beyond confused. I got up and walked to the front entrance. I opened the door and was surprised at who I saw. What is she doing here?

Daniela stood in front of me. With a frown on her face, yet I could see she was faking it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

"To put you in you're place." She said coming in the house and grabbing my neck.


Heyy guys! Cliffhanger, oops sorry. Lol (;

But I decided to make a sequel. And I wanted to see what suggestions you have for a tittle. I don't want it to be Unexpected Love 2. Or something like that, I want it different and interesting.

And what do you want the sequel to have? And what'd you think of this chapter?

ily guys. thank you so much for reading the book and being so active.

It really means a lot to me, since I'm going through a really tough time right now. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read the last chapter, and in the ending.

Stay Strong Loves. 🌻

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