xiv. survivor

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I'm a survivor,

Climbed the highest mountain,

And made it to the other side.

I'm a survivor,

Fought the most difficult wars with my mind,

And I'm still alive.

I'm a survivor,

I braved through the pain of loss,

And found a semblance of peace.

I'm a survivor,

Even when I let the words get to my head,

I didn't let the demons devour me.

I'm a survivor,

I've been dragged down and abused by love,

Yet came out flourishing.

I'm a survivor,

Even if I only have a small part of me left,

It's something to hold onto.

I'm a survivor,

I won't let you define me,

Not after everything I've managed to beat.

Cause I'm a survivor.

I can do anything,

When I put my mind to it.

// R.M.

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