" needy for attention "

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starring: makkachin
disclaimer: i do not own any of the characters. headcanon/s may or may not be mine, but the rightful owners will always be given credit. i only own the plot (except if i've taken a reference--the rightful owner will still be given credit).

heads-up: these one shots may or may not be unedited. if unedited, i will edit it when i have time. all grammatical errors and spelling errors will be corrected by then.



makkachin was always needy for attention. attention of anyone she knows by face and by name. she was always trying to get attention, in any way she could. if she was human, she'd be called an 'attentionwhore' by now. but she couldn't help asking for attention, she really loved them, too.

she'd always be like, 'viktor! drop yuuri for now, let's play!' or, 'yuuri, can we play fetch? i'll get it no matter how far!', 'yuuri! let's run two rounds tonight! i really enjoy running with you!' and thank god she could only bark because if she could talk human language, both viktor and yuuri might be annoyed of her by then.

she was always excited when she sees viktor or yuuri entering the entrance of the hot springs because finally, after days or weeks or even months of their absence, they were finally home, safe, sound and contented.

'were you successful?' she'd asked happily while it would come out as a bark or two, and it would make viktor pet her and say something like, 'have you been a good girl while we were gone, makkachin?'

'yes, of course!' she'd say, but it'd come out as another bark or two. viktor then walks away from her to unite with yuuri and have themselves a pork cutlet bowl, yuuri's favorite dish. and she'd watch how happy they were...

if only she were human, though. maybe by then she'd be able to join them and have a drink with viktor. maybe by then she needn't to bark but instead, yell or call viktor.

but maybe it was also better that way--makkachin being only a poodle. because who knows... maybe if she were human, viktor won't be able to give her much attention, thinking maybe makkachin could handle herself. maybe it was better that she was a poodle, because who knows, maybe yuuri won't notice her, or won't bother to talk to her at all, because she wasn't a dog, and she didn't resemble his vicchan.

so while looking at them having fun, she'd internally smile and think...

'maybe it was better this way..'

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