First Date

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*****Leah's P.O.V******

I immediately felt sick afterwords so i got up and told claire i was leaving 

Leaving! Why! She snapped

just cause! i snapped back and i got up and ran to my car with my knife in my hand. 

I reached my dorm sweat poring down my face and i quickly ran into the bathroom not realizing that camdon might be in there

AHHH! I screamed 

ummm? Leah? He questioned

just never mind put your towel on and get out! i say with my knife still in hand

aww darling y dont u let me stay for a little bit longer though? he says in a sexy tempting voice .

NO! GET OUT! I yell and i throw my knife into the wall .

ok? he says kinda worried

I slam the door and i get into the shower yelling and trowing things whie showering. I soon just break down into tears and just turn off the shower and put on a pair of grey joggers and a sweater and i put my hair in a messy bun. Camdon comes and sits next to me on the couch.

Hey i have an idea. He says

what? I say depressed and unenthusiastic 

Im going to take you to Ihop! he says as he picks me up and throws me into my closet.

omph! what if i dont want to go to though? i say as i find an oufit to were.

O well i dont care your going! he says and he walks into the bathroom to get ready. I put on a striped crop top and a blue skirt and i go and fix my hair and i put a big white bow in it. 

Are you ready??? He ask loudly 

Sure. I reply laughing 


We arrive at Ihop and he carries me bridal style there he then puts me down we get seated. Being the inner child i am i order an smiley face pancake. 

really? He chuckles 

What?! I ask

Nothing. he says still giggling like a 12 year old girl

ugh whatever. what are you eating?  I ask him still offended.

Umm I guess I will also order the smiley face pancake with you. He smiles. That smile is a smile of reassurance. I smile back not even thinking about my ex.

Our food finally arrives and i scarf it down like an animal. He does the same and we get up to go.

Do you wanna see a movie? he asks 

Um sure what are we gunna watch? i ask him

I dont know what do you wanna watch? he relies smirking

hmm Ooo lets watch the girl on the train. I say excitedly

Really why not something like man down. he says 

because you gave me the choice. I say and smile. 

Fine he says and picks me up in a piggy back ride and we walk across the street to the mall. 


The movie finishes and we walk outside and get in the car we walk into our dorm to and unexpected suprise. 

Ahhh! I yell and someone grabs me and holds a gun to my head.

LET HER GO! Camdon yells.

You move she gets shot. my ex says calmly 

Camdon sighs. what do you want with her.  he says

i just want to take her to my dorm ya know so we can he raises his eyebrows in a nasty way. 

NO! He yells 

all of the sudden the sexy boy i saw in the beginning of the year walks in. 

LUKE! HELP! I yell but that only gets me slapped. 

Shut up whore. he says 

DONT CALL HER THAT! He yells but luke grabs him and holds him also

LET ME GO!! He yells 

only if you let us have her. he says.

Then Camdon throws himself at my ex (Colby)

All I hear is a gunshot and i was knocked out.




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