5. Just Lunch

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I released a breath when I was safely hidden in the crowd. I paid attention to the locker numbers and found the pattern leading to my own locker. Glancing at the paper, I unlocked the lock attached to the metal rings holding the locker shut with shaking hands. I opened it to find a blank canvas of a locker. The blue paint was chipping and the rust collected in the corners and on the shelves. I felt a little sily when I realized that I had nothing to put in the locker except my jacket and scarf, but I figured I could stare at the blank space until my hands stopped shaking at least. I stared at it another moment before I felt a tap on my clothed shoulder. I still jumped back slightly anyway.

"Staring isn't going to make anything appear," a feminine voice said from behind me. I turned to see a girl. She had thick, straight, reddish brown hair and hazel green eyes. Her cheeks were full on her round face. Her eyes were an open, almond shape. She was very pretty with a curvaceous figure that hid under draping clothing. She smiled warmly at me.

"I'm Mya," she said as she turned to open the locker next to mine. I could feel her intentions strongly from where I stood without touching her and, thankfully, without visions and episodes. She just wanted to be friendly to the new girl.

"I'm Dani... I have a feeling that this school doesn't get new people often," I said, making conversation to distract myself from my own problems. She chuckled and nodded as she switched her books out.

"A huge yes on that. Normally there's a whole process to even let an outsider join the pack, but everyone knows who you are. You look just like her," Mya said. I didn't quite know what to think of her words.

"Her?" I asked as I leaned against my closed locker and gave her my full attention.

"Rebecca Wilders. The former Beta's daughter. She was the most gifted healer the town ever had. They mourned her death for a long time. Her picture is still in the meet house," Mya explained nostalgically. I knew she couldn't have known my mother personally; she couldn't have been much older than me, but she talked about her like she did.

Beta? Healer? Pack? This town was starting to sound more like a cult than a town. I would have to remember to stay away from the water.

"Beta?" I picked out. Mya was still smiling until she looked at my confused face. Her smile dropped as she gave me her full attention.

"You didn't know your grandfather was a former beta?" she asked.

"I don't even know what a beta is," I answered in confusion. She looked shocked and stunned at the same time.

"Oh my God... have you even shifted yet?" she asked. This did nothing to help my confusion.

"Shifted?" I asked. She looked like she was about to pass out with how fast the blood drained from her face.

"You really have no idea," she breathed. She shook her head and turned back to her locker. "Forget I said anything," she muttered, trying to brush it off. My curiosity had already been sparked and I wanted to know what she was talking about. I wanted to get inside her mind. I was tempted to try touching her, but I wasn't even sure if that's how it worked.

I didn't even understand yet what this thing was or what I could possibly be exposing with my eyes. For all I knew, it could be dangerous. I would have to ask my grandparents when I got home. I smiled a little to myself, momentarily distracting myself with thoughts of my newfound grandparents. A lot of time was lost, but they seemed fully intent on making up for the lost time.

I felt his eyes on me before I actually saw him. When I turned, I saw them. Sophia was holding his hand as she laughed at something the friend next to her said. I couldn't hear anything; not even the regular noises of the hallway. I couldn't see anything anymore either as everything faded away except him. It wasn't like a vision, but more of a moment of infatuation as his eyes locked on mine. Sophia diverted his attention and the rest of the world came back into focus. I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding as I blinked hard and turned back to my locker to catch my breath. I felt slightly sick to my stomach.

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