Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Picture of Lukas on the side

Alice’s POV

When we walked in the house was amazing and a bit gross there were couples making out here and there. But the decorations were pretty there was a dance floor and a disco ball and coloured lights everywhere. I stuck close to Alex and after a while the music and dancing stopped then on the stage Alpha Jace appeared with Luna Cassie “Everyone can I have you attention for a minuet” Alpha Jace said and almost immediately everyone quietened down “thank you. Now as you all know my sons have just turned 18 so I will be stepping down as Alpha and both of them will take my place. I could never be more proud of my two sons” he said with a warm smile everyone cheered and clapped then the music started up and people started dancing, all of a sudden I smelt this delicious sent it smelled like chocolate and mint it smelled like heaven but I was also scared. I didn’t want to find my mate yet.

Lukas’s POV (one of Alpha’s Sons)

After dad made that speech he came down to where my brother and I were and congratulated us. We were officially the Alphas now; all of a sudden I sniffed the air and smelt a heavenly sent it smelled like vanilla and peaches. I looked over at Lucifer and he looked like he smelt something to, we look at each other and smiled and followed the sent. Then we saw her well her back anyway we were on one side of the dance floor and she was on the other, all of a sudden she turned around and looked at us I felt my heart drop she was beautiful she had snow white hair and the pinkest of eyes ‘MATE MATE MATE’ my wolf Talon shouted. Lucifer and me softly said “mine” but by the way her eyes widened I think she heard us. She whispered something to the boy beside her and looked back at us fear evident in her eyes. That hurt then the boy grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the house I let out a low growl ‘no one touches my mate’ Lucifer looked at me and we ran out after her.

Alice’s POV

When I told Alex that my mates were here he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. We were a few steps from the car when we heard two vicious growls. I felt Alex ripped out of my arm and I screamed as I felt someone throw me over his shoulder. I saw Alex on the ground and started screaming and crying; I started pounding my fists on the persons back “LET ME GO! PUT ME DOWN!” I screamed then I kicked my legs and hit him in the family jewels. He groaned in pain and dropped me, I got up and ran as fast as I could to the person who was repeatedly punching my brother and I slammed into him trying to get him to move. He didn’t expect it so he did move and I just ran around and stood in front of my brother protectively. I knew they were my mates but my brother was family and mates or not no one hurts him. The two stood together and cocked their heads to one side as if confused. They started to move forward and a vicious growl left me and my eyes glowed a bright pink, they stepped back shock evident on their faces. I turned around and helped my brother up we went to the car and drove away. And not once did I turn around and look at my mates.

Ok so Hey everyone I think I might only make short chapters cause yea and if you guys would like to post some ideas on what happens next that would be great! Also I still need a cover so get creative! Thnx BB

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