28:Pure Souls

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It has been more than an two hours, and he was still out. I was worried sick. I know I shouldn’t have yelled at him like that, and should’ve listened, but I was upset and angry .

The rain was heavier now and thunder was ringing my ears every now and then. With every minute passing, my heart was beating faster. My first instincts told me to look out of the window. I tried his phone but it was switched off and left on the counter near the door.

I was standing at the window, looking at the blurry scene, not because of the rain, nor because of the window pane, but from the tears dancing in my eyes. I reached for my coat and wore it so I could go look for him, but as I headed for the door, it opened and Evan got in and slammed it shut. He was there, dripping with water, but it was uncanny that there were tears on his face, they weren’t hiding very well.

“Where have you been?!” I asked in a loud voice and reached out to hug him.

“Why do you care?” he took a step back and pushed me away.

“Of course I care! You have no idea how much worried I was” I was crying openly then, “And especially if I know that it was me the reason you left. I didn’t feel cold until I thought you left me. I shouldn’t have-”

“Just stop, stop it.” He interrupted me.

“Evan” I tried again.

“Zac just stop talking” He said and brushed past me and went to the living room. He paced around for a while, while I was frozen in my spot just looking at him, aching all over.

“Evan” He stopped and looked at me. Like a broken puppy, he looked from behind his lids, and sobbed more and came over to me.

he grabbed me into the warmest hug I’ve ever had, me against his small body, his arms keeping me tightly gripped, “You don’t have to say anything”

He broke the hug and looked me in my eyes, his hands cupping my cheeks, wiping tears with his thumbs. We were both crying.

“I tried to get away, I wanted to leave and find someplace else, but I couldn’t Zac, I just couldn’t”. Our lips met and I felt safe again. “Listen, I’m never leaving you again. Those were the worst hours of my life, and from now on it’s never gonna happen again, even if you wanted me to, I won’t, trust me”

I can’t explain how much I wanted to give him a piece of my soul and take a piece of his just so we could be even closer. I put my arms around his neck, and kissed him long and hard, until we were both out of breath.


"So what are we gonna do?" I asked Evan. We were both sat in the living room near the chimney. Dad had disappeared somewhere which is probably his room.

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty two with all the shit I'm thinking about"

"You fucking would. Only you" he was the lamest human being ever.

"I need a few minutes or years thinking about nothing" Evan said. "What time is it?"

"Around ten" I answered. The fires from the chimney were dancing on Evan's face in a mix of shadows and highlights. And just when I thought he couldn't look more beautiful. He was staring at the fire intently, his mouth pouting a bit. I bet that he was thinking about poking it but restraining himself as to not do it.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

"Where to?"

"I don't know, anywhere our legs lead us"

"But it's pouring outside"

"It stopped raining as hard a while ago, and by the looks of it it's not gonna start anytime soon. Let's go"

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