It'll Be Okay

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Clover woke early in the morning, stretching her arms and quickly getting dressed. Unlike at Hogwarts, professors at Ilvermony didn't always sleep at the school. Clover's flat wasn't very far from the portkey to the school, so she had no problem staying in her own comfortable space. Once she was dressed, she went to make them both breakfast. While she mixed the batter for a batch of pancakes, Newt walked in unnoticed by Clover with his strawberry blond hair disarray. "G'morning, Clover."

Clover stumbled in surprise, not yet used to having someone else around. She tripped and burned her hand on the stove. "Oh bloody hell..." she groaned in pain, the mark on her hand seething with red.

"Oh my... I... I'm so sorry... Clover!" Newt ran over to her and examined the mark. "So very sorry." He whispered softly.

Clover waved him off with her free hand. "It's perfectly alright, I'll run it under cold water and it'll be-"

"Absolutely not! I think I have something in the case. I'll be but a moment!" He nodded to himself, mumbling healing remedies while he wandered off to retrieve it.

Clover smiled to herself. It was cute how protective he seemed to be. Quickly taking action for a minor burn. He really was a great friend in her eyes.

Newt brought back a few phials of herbs and odd-looking liquids a little while later. "This should help with swelling, this for pain, and this one for scarring." He told her with a smile, not realizing she was busy talking to herself. Only it wasn't her she was talking too, but a certain breed of leafy green magical creature.

"Of course it's alright if you want your own room, Stella." Clover smiled while the little bowtruckle crawled into her pocket. "I'll get right on it."

She looked up to meet Newt's gaze, now locked on her lips. Clover blushed. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

Newt didn't know how to reply other than with "Lovely bowtruckle, that is."

Clover smiled softly. "You study magical creatures too?"

He nodded in response. "May I show you something?"

"Of course." She grabbed a half burnt pancake and took a bite, eating it plain. "Oh excuse me, would you like one?"

Newt smiled and nodded. They looked rather vile in his opinion but if Clover had made it, he'd make an exception. He took one from the plate beside the stove and led her to his room. "What did you say you were showing me again?"

"I didn't say." He smirked playfully and Clover rolled her eyes, feigning amusement.

Newt stepped into his case. And vanished.  Clover disappeared after him. Newt was sitting at a mahogany desk too, working on a particular potion. "Here, put this on the burn." He said handing the cream to her.

"Newt... it'll be fine..." she argued.

"Just rub it on, won't even take a minute."

"Really, Newt. It'll heal."

"It won't, Clover! It's infected. It's bright red!" He shouted. Newt never yelled or shouted unless he was really passionate about something. He realized later, he was passionate about her. Clover. 

Clover froze. Her emerald eyes wide with fear. He'd shouted at her.

London 1912

The muggle boy hit her again, harder than the last time. "You filthy witch! I told you never to use magic! Never! You embarrassed me, hideous monster!" He shouted at the eleven year old a moment longer before storming away. 

The girl was Clover. The boy, her older brother.

"Clover... I'm sorry I raised my voice... I shouldn't have... Clover please..."

Clover hadn't moved from the spot, staring at the floor, shaking. She left London to be away from her abusive brother. She didn't want to think of it again. Newt took a step closer and gently wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

"It'll be okay. I promise. I solemnly swear."

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