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Inertia Louis
I walked into my office, looking around at all my employees. I eyed each one of them. Each one of them greeted me and I replied with a nod. This is how I like it. That's when my eyes fell on one single man.

"You." I stopped in my tracks and pointed at him.

"Y---yes?" He stuttered.

"Next time before coming in my office remember dressing properly. Put your tie back in place." I spat.

"So---rry." He straightened his tie. I started walking once again.

"Ma'am here is the file you asked for." My secretary said walking along with me.

"Good. How much have they asked for?" I asked opening the file and taking a seat in my cabin.

"200 million dollars."

"That's it? Isn't their company worth 250 million dollars?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am but apparently their conditions are very bad and their products are almost out of the market with a degraded name. No one is ready to buy their company." My secretary said.

"Good. Buy it."

"But ma'am we need to hold a board meeting and inform all the shareholders."

"Michael, do what I say. Informing can happen later. Do what I have said and send Sonia in." I commanded.

"As you wish ma'am." He said and exited. Seconds later Sonia knocked at my door.

"Come in."

"Ma'am you asked for me?"

"Yea Sonia. Apparently your strategy has worked. You my PA have earned a pay raise."

"Thank you so so so much ma'am!" Sonia exclaimed.

"No, don't thank me. You did great. If it wasn't for your idea, we would have never monopolised the market without which MIKAK Ltd. wouldn't have fallen."

"You are very generous. Thanks a lot." She said leaving my cabin.

I need to motivating and leading because I am Inertia Louis, owner of LOVE corporation. Oh no no LOVE doesn't stand for the fake feeling love. It stands for:

L- loyalty.
O- optimism.
V- variability.
E- efficiency.

We deal in all kinds of businesses ranging from simple stuff like plastics and cosmetics to arms and ammunitions. To make it big I had to dream big and start small but perfect. Perfection is what go me where I am so now around me everything has to be perfect.

I put on my laptop and checked my mail box. The shareholders were coming up with some concerns they had so I asked my PA to mail them the meeting details. Next I took over the mails from the HRM. Dammit, the labour turnover is not good.

"Michael, I need the HRM head in my cabin within the next 10 minutes." I called via the intercom system.

"Yes ma'am he'll be there." Michael my PA assured. Within 10 mins he was there.

"What are you guys doing in the department?" I said in a cold voice.

"I'm sorry ma'am I am unaware of what you are talking about." He said.

"Unaware?! Why the hell are you the head then?! Do you know the amount of people leaving the New York and Tokyo branch has increased?!"


"Then why are employees still leaving."

"The working conditions. There are not enough provisions for them."

"Increase all salaries by 10% and communicate with the resources allocators as to what and how much equipment you need. Get it improved within the next 3 days."

"Yes ma'am."

"You may leave."

This work load is getting to me. I rubbed my forehead that was hurting. Opening my drawer, I took out a pain killer and gulped it down with water. Oh god I need a break. I took my coat and left the office. I decided to walk around for a while.

Even now when I'm trying to relax, the thought, memories, feelings won't go away. My mom left my dad when I was 12 because he lost all his money. She didn't even care about me. Then dad died when I turned 18. Since that I had only one aim in life, money.

I understood the importance of money at a very young it. Money can buy everything, happiness and love too. My mom loved my dad for his money. That's one of the reasons why I named my organizations LOVE.

Once dad was gone and I had no support other than my sister. I started earning to be able to afford college. Friends, relationships, hanging out all this took a side track for me because I had a bigger goal to focus on. I don't regret it because all of that would have just distracted me.

I shook away the sad thoughts as my phone rang. Michael had organised an important meeting regarding a joint venture with another company in one single product that is a energy drink. I walked back to my office.

"What time is the meeting?" I asked.

"In an hour ma'am."

"Which organization is this? Do they have already set market in the soft drinks sector?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am. This is organization Debel. They are pretty popular in the market and have the second best products in the market."

"Which means they are right behind us? Good. A joint venture with them shall lead to profits then." I nodded. An hour later we were all sitting in the meeting room.

"This is Mr. Blake Parker. He is the owner of Debel. And this Ms. Inertia Louis owner of LOVE." Michael introduced.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Blake said raising his hand.

"We talk only business Mr. Parker." I shook his hand.

"I assure you I'm here for the same Ms. Louis."

"Well then. Let's look at the presentations then?" I asked taking a seat.

"Sure." He agreed.

"Good Morning sir and ma'am-----------" And the presentation began. But what I couldn't shake away was something related to Blake. Something that was bothering me but I couldn't name it....

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