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Dan Howell

Phil🍟: I'm sorry for whatever happened a few days ago. Can we talk about it?

I stare at my phone, searching the lunch hall for his familiar blue eyes. He is sitting with PJ and his new friend Calem or Christopher I think, his eyes focused on the lit screen of his in front of him. His teeth are digging into his bottom lip and as soon as he raises his head and his eyes point in my direction, I duck my head so that I can't make eye contact with him.

He's driving me crazy.

Dan: there's nothing to talk about phil

I look around, trying to find some familiar faces, hoping that I find none, but when I do, I choose to ignore them and make my way outside again after grabbing a serving of shitty coffee.

Phil🍟: Maybe you don't have anything to talk about, but I do
Phil🍟: Of course if you feel like you don't want to talk at all then I won't bother you but I wanted to say some things before you know

Dan: before what? before you lead me on again and then give a bullshit explanation about how you can't trust me? please phil

Phil🍟: Look, there were a lot of things piling up alright? You can't blame me for saying that when you constantly hurt me

Dan: i hurt YOU? what a joke
Dan: you were the one who didn't want anything to do with me so don't blame me

Phil🍟: It isn't my fault that I can't trust someone who constantly sleeps with other people

Dan: i told you i would try for you

Phil🍟: And that's why I want to talk to you about it

Dan: so you suddenly realise that you want me now? how am i supposed to trust you now phil

Phil🍟: I just miss you

Dan: i don't fucking care

Phil🍟: Meet me after school? By the lockers?

Dan: fuck you

Phil🍟: Is that a yes?

Dan: idk

Phil🍟: I'll wait for you

Dan: whatever

I am such a fucking idiot.


hi i'll update this more often now i promise

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