Chapter Thirteen: The Ties that Bind

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"Can you tell me again why are we stalking Dr. Fell?" Holly raised an eyebrow as she and Damon walked through the pristine halls of Mystic Falls' Hospital.

"We're not stalking," Damon corrected. "We're just merely trying to find out if her grubby hands killed her ex-boyfriend Brian Walters."

"Why would she kill him though?" Holly frowned. "And I have heard nothing but good things about her, even Ric seems to like her."

"Well, Ric is a hopeless case," Damon smirked. "And have you've known nothing? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." He eyed Dr. Fell who was walking towards them. "We never got a chance to meet, I'm Damon Salvatore."

Meredith nodded. "Ric's friend right?" she turned to Holly. "And you must be the other Gilbert, Holly right?"

Holly forced a tight smile. "That's me."

Meredith nodded. "Well, it was nice talking to you."

Meredith was just halfway through when Damon spoke up again in a fake, concern voice. "Heard about your boyfriend, brutal attack, animal right?"

Meredith gave him a wary look. "Ex-boyfriend and still processing."

Holly and Damon followed Meredith into a room. "But you know it wasn't an animal attack don't you?" Holly said to Meredith's retreating back. "I mean you did sign the death certificate."

Meredith turned around and hissed. "Would you rather I say he was staked like a vampire? Why do you even care?"

Damon shrugged. "Because Ric likes you and if you're a psychopath that would really suck for him."

Meredith looked bewildered. "You think I killed my ex-boyfriend?" she snapped. "If you care about your friend then you better figure out how he came into ICU and then walked out like nothing happened."

Before either Holly or Damon could respond, they felt a sharp prick of a needle against both of their necks as they passed out.
"What are you two doing here?" Alaric asked surprise when he opened the door of his apartment and saw Holly and Damon looking both tired and annoyed.

"We went to visit your lovely doctor friend," Holly said sarcastically as she came in.

Damon nodded. "Any idea how she managed to vervain both me and Holly, blood jack us and leave us on the hospital floor."

Alaric looked startled. "When did you two even meet her?"

"When we went to visit her at the hospital this morning," Holly said wearily. "And then Damon accused her of murdering her boyfriend."


"Don't get mad at her, it was my idea," Damon said.

"I told you, I would handle this."

"I proved your theory, diagnose psycho case. You're welcome."
"He's coming," Holly said once she heard Klaus' footsteps coming towards the basement. Thanks to a heads up from Bonnie who was visiting her mother, Abby. Holly and Damon knew that Klaus had threatened to kill her "son" Jamie if he didn't get the coffins back, so they decided to end this once and for all.

"You have a good ear, love," Klaus said. "Unfortunely, I don't care about you right now, I care about my coffins or the Bennett witch line is going to be missing a few members," he turned towards the ceiling and spoke to the witch ancestors. "Show me the coffins."

The coffins appeared, but he frowned. "Where's the fourth one?"

"Oh, Bonnie called us," Damon smirked. "We couldn't hide all of them, but we did managed to hide the last one, the sealed one."

"I will kill both of you!" Klaus snarled. "I will tear you limb from limb, I will pull your heart from your chest!"

"Good ahead and try, then you will never know where the coffins are hidden," Holly smirked. "And something tells me you really care about what is in that coffin."

Klaus's temper decline when he saw the hybrid putting the last of the coffins in the basement of his new home. The hybrid turned to him. "Well, you have your family back, are you going to open them?"

Klaus shook his head. "No, not yet, soon."

The hybrid opened his mouth to speak, but he started trembling as he fell to the floor, Elijah stood behind him with his heart in his hand.

Klaus paled. "Elijah."

"Niklaus." Elijah said coolly. "What have I missed?"

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