Love Like An Original Chapter 8

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For possibly the first time since I moved to Mystic Falls my life has been stress free and drama less.

It was amazing to finally be able to go out and do things without worrying about my actions or how they affected people.

I hadn’t seen Damon since he told me about his play time with some random girl and honestly I was kind of happy to be free of him.

I guess I never realised it but things between Damon and I were getting pretty intense and neither of us could’ve handled it, I see that now but it doesn’t stop the small ache in my chest when I think about the memories we have.

Stefan hasn’t shown his face around The Grill recently and again I was incredibly happy; don’t get me wrong Stefan’s a great guy but he cheated on Elena and in my books cheaters just aren’t worth my time. Even though I do kind of miss the sweet comfort that he gave me in my time of need.

Elena and all of her friends haven’t been around much either which I thought was kind of weird, I saw them sometimes in town but other than that it was like they never existed.

Everyone had disappeared in the space of around two weeks and I was thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet it gave me.

I had more time to hang out at home with my dad, see Matt and wander around the small town without worrying about bumping into someone that had something against me.

It was amazing.

Well, until today.

It was halfway through my shift at work and since it was a school day it was pretty peaceful with barely anyone in my sector of the cafe.

Matt was at school still and wouldn’t be back for a few hours since he had football practise afterwards.

He had asked me a few weeks ago why I never enrolled in school when I moved to Virginia.

I chuckled to myself as I thought about the conversation that took place.


“So why exactly don’t you come to school? I mean you can’t enjoy working all the time right?” Matt asked before stuffing his face with left over slices of my pizza.

We were currently sat in my bedroom having a sleepover, watching movies and all that jazz when he randomly popped out with that question.

I turned to him quizzically as he stared calmly at the TV screen.

“Err, I just never enrolled myself. I didn’t think there was any point really.” I mumbled quietly as I sipped my soda.

I never really enjoyed talking about school with people because it then led to questions about why I partied and drank so much. To me it was quite simple but other people just didn’t seem to get it quite as clearly.

“How come?” He asked curiously turning to face me head on as he waited for my answer.

“I passed all of my college entry exams last year. I’m like super smart or whatever and thought there was no point in going back into senior year when I already have a place at college.” I stated casually like I was talking about the weather.

I heard Matt’s gasp before I think even he heard it and couldn’t help but laugh at the shocked and impressed look on his face.

“So why aren’t you in college now?” He asked a frown appearing on his face as he considered the fact that his best friend and party animal was a little genius.

I shrugged at him before taking a bite out of the pizza he was holding in his hands.

“Didn’t want to be the youngest person there so I decided to wait for this senior year to finish and go off when everyone else did. Hence why I have so much time to party and work.” I finished off smugly as I saw a grin appear on his face.

Love Like An Original (ON HOLD For DHMH Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now