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Athena didn't know what was right or wrong anymore.

Last night, when her mind had become blurred and all thoughts had disappeared, Athena had acted out on a feeling she had believed was what she wanted. And she did—in that moment, he was what she wanted. But as she lied there in her bed, his presence gone and her body bare, Athena truly believed that maybe she had made a mistake. She felt something for him, yes, but not once did Athena ever believe that she'd actually act out on it. What she felt for Glenn was so extreme that the thought of anyone else made a frown form on her face, but here she was, stuck in a situation that Athena didn't really know how to get out of that involved another man.

Sitting up, Athena quickly threw on her clothes, changing from the white shirt she wore last night into a black one instead. Pulling on a pair of jeans, Athena bit her lip and sighed loudly, noticing that Rick's jacket was laid out on the small counter in the cell. She felt a spur of nerves churn in her stomach, and Athena realized what she had to do.

Grabbing the keys from its place on her shelf, Athena threw her jacket on before making her way down the stairs. A few people were sitting and eating, looking rather alarmed by Athena's cold gaze and determined eyes as she stomped her way out the cell block. Momentarily, the brunette swore she saw Glenn look up from the corner of her eye, and when she passed without a word, a look of hurt crossed his face. It was his birthday after all, and so far, it looked as if Athena wasn't even going to acknowledge him. Shaking the thought and image, she continued her way out, ignoring calls from behind until the door slammed shut. The sun beat down on her face, and Athena shielded the rays with her hand until she safely made it to her own motorcycle without any more obstacles.

Turning on the engine, Athena then wiped her brow before taking off, making her way down the prison pathway until she was out the gate. Carl did not question her sudden choice of leaving, instead just wishing her luck with a small nod. Biting her lip, Athena felt the wind speed increase as she zoomed through the streets, leaves blowing behind her. Had the world always been this quiet? Or had Athena's world finally collapsed?

Never before had she felt so conflicted. She just slept with a man she had few feelings for and was currently risking her life to get the one she truly wants a birthday gift the next morning. The idea made Athena laugh idiotically. She had sure gotten herself into a mess, but even when she was drowning in such a mess, Athena knew Glenn was who she wanted.

Parking her motorcycle in a parking lot an hour later, Athena hopped off her bike to enter a jewelry store she had passed by on a run a few weeks back. It was still as untouched as she remembered, the windows just as dusty and the jewelry on display still shining. Inhaling deeply, Athena twirled the knife in her hand as she made her way inside, not bothering to check for walkers. Crinkling her nose from the very old smell, Athena's gaze loomed around the room before she began searching. Definitely was she not going to get him a necklace, so instead she searched for a bracelet of some kind. Maybe even a ring. But each one she saw looked too formal or too heavy, and after ten minutes Athena grew frustrated and slammed her fist into the glass of one counter.

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