Chapter 1: The Beginning

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~ This is my first fanfiction, so be honest and let me know what you think. Be relatively nice though. Since this is the beginning it's a bit meh, but I promise it gets better! Hope you guys enjoy it and please remember to give feedback. Thanks! ~


I've had enough. After 7 years of begin a slave, neglected and abused by the people who were supposed to love me, I knew it was time to leave. My heart beat as I heard the door slam. My 'parents' left for their day of bar hopping as I was left to do the never ending list of chores that awaited me. I cautiously slipped out of my room and into theirs. Before heading any farther I looked around to make sure, for certain, that they were gone. After making sure the ghost was clear I crept to the closet in my 'parent's' room. I flung the creaky door open and there it was - the safe - sitting on the ground in the corner of the closet. Luckily for me, Victor - my 'father', left it open after grabbing a fair amount of drinking money. I stared at the gleaming safe and grabbed the edges of my dress to dry my palms. I was so nervous for what I was about to do, but for my own good - I had no choice. Frantically, I grabbed the left over cash, which wasn't much. Maybe close to 5 bucks. I ran out of the room and back into mine, nearly tripping over the rug in the hallway. I grabbed the small bag on my bed with my 1 other dress and shoved the money in there. My pack was pathetic in size, but hey being a poor orphan girl, adopted by an abusive family - you don't have many possessions. I was lucky I had the one other dress. I flew out of my room and down the stairs which cried underneath my pounding feet. My heart was beating so fast that I could feel it all over my body. I was about to throw open the front door when I stopped short. I looked behind me. What was I doing, I thought. I can't leave. I won't survive on the streets. A couple seconds passed and I began to back away from the door, lowering my pack till it nearly hit the ground. But if I stay here I for sure won't survive. I must have been standing there for close to 5 minutes until reality hit me. I had to be strong, I told myself. I gathered my courage, lifted my pack over my shoulder and turned the silver knob on the front door to revile the blistering cold wind.

It had been years since Victor and Lily let me outside. Since I had not experienced the outside world, I was not prepared for the cold and rainy weather that Queens offered. I looked over my shoulder and back inside that hell hole one last time before I slammed the door and ran. I wasn't sure how long I had been running. It seemed like forever. It was already starting to get dark and I needed a place to sleep. Damn. I glanced to my right and saw a small alley way with some grates. Well that could work, I thought eyeing the crates. Being 15 years old, I was just barely small enough to squeeze into a crate. I placed my pack under my neck as it rested on the edge of the crate. It could be worse, I thought out loud, feeling a nail prick my side. I suddenly move away from the pain and sat up. This wouldn't do. I relieved myself from the crate and searched the other two crates that lay next to it. I felt the insides making sure there were not sharp edges protruding. Once I found a suitable crate I crawled into it and reassigned my pack to the back of my neck. I leaned and wiggled side to side trying to find a more comfortable position, but it was no use. I gave up and looked up at the sky. A few stars gleamed as the dark night surrounded them. Still staring at the stars, my eyes began to flutter and within a few minutes I drifted off into a deep and very uncomfortable sleep.

The next morning I woke to an aching neck and numb body. Slowly and almost zombie like, I flipped myself out of the crate and laid on the cold cobblestone. The cold seemed into me from my cheek. It took me a couple minutes to come too. When I finally did I hoisted my painful body up. I needed to get moving. By now Victor and Lily for sure noticed my disappearance and the missing money. Knowing them, they were most likely at the police station now. I collected myself, ran my stiff fingers through my cold, dirty blonde hair and began to run. Well, it was more like a hobble thanks to my numb feet. After an couple minutes of running I slowed down to a walk. My body had started to defrost as a carried myself along. A couple people on the streets stared at me as I walked. Some of the older gentlemen smiled and winked my way. It disgusted me, for I knew what they were after - the same thing victor was after when he did it. I turned my head towards the ground and ignored them as I continued to walk.

"There!" someone shouted.

I raised my head suddenly and looked right and left, unsure for the reason of the commotion.

"There she is! Get after her!" a deep voiced man said.

"Addilyn!" Victor shouted after me as I began to run from him and the police.

No! How did they find me?, I questioned. I had to hide somewhere, but where? I wasn't familiar with this place. I kept running and looking back over my shoulder to check how far behind my pursuers were. I used my forearm to brush off some sweat that was starting to form on my forehead. I was really starting to burn up and get really sweaty, like you do in a bad dream. Unexpectedly, I slammed into someone and fell backwards from the sudden force.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" the voice sneered.

I looked up to confront my obstacle, but was faced with the chief of police and Victor. I gasped and stared to push myself back, away from them. How the hell did they get in front of me? It didn't make any sense. As I continued to push myself back using my palms, Victor and the chief stepped forward. I was really starting to burn up with fear now. I felt on fire! Victor started to reach down towards me and I turned my head to hide from him, even though I knew it did no good. As Victor was bending down he began to speak.

"Mys get up! I's not goin' to tell yous again!" he said.

I cocked my head and started at him. The words and his lips weren't matching up. Why would he say that? And Mys? I felt the back of my head. Wow, I must have knocked it a good one. Victor grabbed my arm and dragged me to my feet, still talking.

"Mys. Up. NOW." I thought he said.

His lips were moving, but the words still didn't match up and this time it wasn't his deep, growling voice. Instead the voice was a little higher pitch, gentle, but still firm. At this point I was sweating so bad and my whole body was pulsing. What the hell is going on? What's wrong with me? I panicked as the corners of my vision started to turn black. Before everything disappeared in front of me I heard the gentle but firm voice shout again.


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