Chapter 16: The end is here

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Days went by, Verna making sure she spent as much time with Dreamer as possible. She stuck to his side like glue, he grinned, not interested in questioning it in fear she would distance herself.
Verna had no idea what would happen but it couldn't be good, she hoped that it would just involve her death and that would be it. The peaceful air was misleading, she tried to remind herself that time was fleeting.
"Is something wrong?" Dreamer watched her carefully, he could see the fear in her shifting Amber eyes.
"No," she didn't want to continue, tears weld in her eyes as she blinked them back. She couldn't tell him that she was going to die soon, he wouldn't believe her.
'That's right because you're crazy' the voice whispered, stress was stirring up her voices again.
I know, she thought with her fist clutching her head. She knew she was loosing it, she didn't have time to spare.
Dreamer didn't ask again, he watched her with concern in his eyes. He could tell easily that something was wrong but she seemed jittery and not comfortable with anything happening. Verna shifted at his side, twitching as if battling the thoughts in her head. 

'It's time,' The sweeter voice told her with sorrow, 'You're needed ' Verna jumped up, running through the door before Dreamer could stop her. She pushed her body, desperate to get to where shes needed. Her mind didn't have time to register what was happening as she watched Suzuko run to the gate, fury flashing her small delicate features as she screams towards the protesters. They must have said something offensive to get such a strong reaction from her, Suzuko paused, clutching her shirt and screaming with tears streaming down her pink face. 

Verna pushed herself to go faster, she knew Dreamer was close behind and yelling for her but she couldn't stop now. Her bare feet slapped against the pavement, leaving behind a bloody mess of her ripped soles. 

It happened in slow motion, a man behind the gate slowly lifted his arm showing off his small handgun. He spewed something Verna couldn't hear before pulling the trigger.

"Suzuko!" Verna screamed, trying to reach her in time. She needed to take the bullet, it was all she was good for and she knew it. But she didn't make it. The bullet pierced Suzuko, right through her head as she slowly collapsed onto the pavement. Blood trickled from her skull as she laid splayed out on the concrete. Verna stood over her, bubbles in her ears as voices said things she couldn't understand from around her and her body went limp as Echo shoved her away from Suzuko. She fell to her knee's, pulling her daughter into her arms and screaming. The sound was heart wrenching, the sound of a mother screaming in agony at the death of her child, a thin hand touched Verna's shoulder. It wasn't dreamer trying to comfort her, but something else, Verna turned to see the man from her dreams. 

Satan stood next to her with his skeletal hand placed on her shoulder in comfort, "I-I couldn't even do the one thing I was suppose to." She choked out, Lucifer shook his head in return motioning for her to take Suzuko from Echo's arms. 

"I can't! That's her daughter!" She tried to argue, he shook his head once more.

'This is why we chose you'  both the voices in her mind said, pushing her onto her knee's and slowly pulling Suzuko from Echos arms. Echo hissed, looking at her as if she would slaughter her if Verna tried to pull them apart.

"Please, trust me." Verna cried. Echo glanced down at her deceased child, and grudgingly pushed her into Verna's arms. Verna pressed her forehead to Suzuko's, as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

'Verna,' The voices were overwhelming 'Do you give your life to save this child?'  they already knew the answer, of course she would.

"Yes," She mumbled, a sob tearing at her throat. 

'Very well' the devil waved his hand, Verna gasped for breath as the feeling of a bullet piercing her head went through her. 

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