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I smile satisfied at their work which was I suggest to the pd-nim

"Ah! You...you are the one who did back flip and sit on top of jugkook right?"

"Jung...kook? *bunny's face come to my mine* ahhhhh you mean bunny? Ne I am."

I smile proudly and bow 90 digress at him. He laughs at me. Well we are now get along pretty well.

"How much time left for the shooting start?"


"Eh? Wait a minute! I stay here for 1 hour already?"

"Ne.... You did."

"I am dead!" I yell in front of the pd-nim face.


He didn't finish his words when I am already run to the dressing room.

"Oh god! Please don't let them notice it!"

I yelled and run for my dearest life. But what can I do lucky are now laughing at me when I can see a really angry jin standing with his hands on his hips in the middle of the way.

"Ommmoooooo!!! Out of mah way!"

I gasp it totally late. Toooooo late I can't stop my feet from this speed, quickly I close my eyes prepare for the impact. In a blink of eyes I bump him really hard that make him fall on his butt also do I.

I groan and cover my head since I accidentally hit my head on the floor.

"My head man down!! MAN DOWN!!"

I yell really loud. I heard footsteps running to our way.

"Oh s*hit what the f*uck happened?!"

The loudest said absolutely the loudest.

"Don't swearing!" Jin said in between his groan.

"Mianhae hyung."

I roll over and make my way slowly away from them.


Jin said one by one word makes me get a goose bump.

"Ahhhh my head ouch! Ouch!"

Without thinking twice I lay down on the floor and put my hands on my heads.


Jin quickly come over and look at me. I keep groaning and groan even louder when jin try to sit me up.

"Omo is it hurt really bad?"

"N-ne." I said in a low voice and make a fake shutter.

"You must be careful after this."

"Seriously hyung she just acts!"

I saw white guy get frustrated. I make a small smirk just for that guy saw it and I made it, he gasps when he saw it.

"L-look she just smirking at me."

Jin looks over my face and quickly I make a sadistic face.


"Now yoongi why don't you bring all of them go to the dressing room and others mianhae about her!"

Jin said and give 90 degree bow. Well I feel bad for him but I don't want to die in his torture. *cough* he likes nagging *cough*

~ time skip ~

I have to sit here again and look at them making a mess in this room. I really want to join them but sadly eomma still here.

"How much long we should stay here?"

I ask and groan.

" 1 h and 30min."

"Seriously? Ughhh."

"Hmm (y/n). How about we go walk since you need it rights?"

Tae look at me with his meaningful smile. I blink at him for a while before nod.

"Yah I really need it."

"No. None of you will out from here especially it comes from both of you."

"Oh come on hyung! I swear we didn't do anything wrong this time!"

Tae starts bagging him. He sighs when he saw jin deadly against it. He looks at me in his sad face. I give him my perfectly smirk when I walk to jin.


I sing his name until he looks away from his phone and look at my face. I pout and start to speak in girlie voice.

"Jin oppa."


"Oppa can you let me and alien go out."

Jin looks offense for a little before that jerky white guy flicks my forehead.

"Stop being annoyed."

He rolls his eyes. Like seriously. I give him dead glare but I just get his smirk.

"Did you really want to get out from here?"

Jin asks with sigh. Me and tae nodd and make a puppy face.



"I will come with you two."

He didn't give us to celebrate it when he cut our words by that. We stare at him in disbelief but he just stand up and smile happily at us.

"Now let's go."

He said and walk to the door. We look at each other before sigh.

"We don't have any choice huh?"

I whispered at him and he just shakes his head.

~ time skip ~

"No running, no jumping, no yelling, no.."

Jin didn't stop saying what we shouldn't do. It really frustrated he did that from we walk out from that room. As he keeps list the rules while he looks at his without he realizes he bumped to someone and he almost cursed.

He groans because of the impact. Tae and me can't hold it we burst into laughing when we saw jin face.

"Hyung Don't forgets to look in front while you are walking." Tae said in jin's voice.

"Don't curse even once." I said with like-a-boss face.

We can't stop laughing especially jin's face reaction. After we calm down a little we help both of the men.

I gasp when I realize who the man is.

"Ah heechul?"

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