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It was a couple of days before Harry and Louis have their personal time, while Liam and Niall watched the kids. The big family was out having lunch and they were all having a great time, until Harry's parents showed up. They were still trying to get money out of them and Louis was very mad when they just showed up. Jen, Jon, and Bella were getting frightened at seeing how mad their dad was and how upset their mommy was.

Harry's parents were trying to get close to the kids and Louis, Liam, and Niall stood in front of the others to protect them. Louis told them that they need to leave and never show their faces around them again and he tells them that they have no right to see Harry or their kids. They told him that he could not keep them from seeing Harry and the kids, and Louis tells them that he can't but Harry can keep them away from the kids. Eventually, they left and Harry asked if they can go home now instead of going shopping and Louis tells him that Niall will take them home and him and Liam will going shopping.

When Niall and Harry got home with kids, Harry started to get that feeling that he got when his heat. He quickly grabs his phone and calls Louis. When Louis answers his phone, Harry tells him that his heat was beginning and he needed to get home as quick as possible. Louis hung up and tells Liam that they need to get home now. Liam asks what is wrong and Louis tells him that Harry's heat was starting and he needs him there now. They rushed out of the store and rushed home, so Louis can take care of Harry.

Niall was with the kids and Louis rushed in the house and told the kids that he loved them and then ran to Harry. Liam and Niall took the kids to their house and to take care of them. When Liam and Niall got to their house, Liam tells Niall that he needed to go back and grab the kids some clothes and their backpacks for school. Niall tells him that it is fine and he will keep the kids occupied until he returns. When Liam gets to the house, he can hear Louis and Harry throughout the house.

When Liam got back to the house, Niall had the kids in the living room and they were playing a board game. Liam took the kids things to the spare room that they stayed in while they were there. He comes back into the living room and sat with them and helped Bella with the game. They all played the game until it was time for them to have dinner, and Niall ordered pizza for them to eat because him and Liam were too tired to cook. After they ate dinner, Liam and Niall gave them a bath and put them to bed.

The next few days, Liam and Niall kept the kids busy with school and playing board games with them until Louis called them to bring them back.

Meanwhile with Louis and Harry, they kept themselves busy getting through Harry's heat and Louis' rut. One of the times that they had a little break from all of the sex, Louis goes into the kitchen and grabs them some food and water. He comes back into the room and helps Harry sit up so the can eat and drink a little before the next round. This continues for a few days until Harry is so exhausted that he couldn't even sit up for a few seconds. Louis took care of him throughout everything. When it was all done, Louis went to their bathroom and ran them some bath water and then went back in and grabbed Harry. He carried him and gently laid him into the tub, before getting in behind him.

When they got out of the bath, Louis carried him back to their bed and gently placed him down. He then went and got some new sheets and covers to put on the bed, and when he got back he picked Harry back up and then put him on the chair in their room. Louis then strips the bed and remakes it, so that they can sleep on clean sheets. Harry tries to get up off the chair to climb back in bed and he nearly fell, because he was so tired and sore from all of the love making that him and Louis did over the past few days. Louis sees Harry trying to get up and rushes over to him and picks him up and then gently places him back in bed. He climbs in behind Harry and cuddles up to him and kisses him and tells him that he loves him.

The next morning, Louis calls Liam and Niall and tells them that when the kids get back from school, they can just bring them home. Liam asks how everything is going and Louis tells him that Harry is a little tired and is currently sleeping. Louis tells him that Harry woke up and was asking for his babies. Liam tells him that him and Niall will bring them home when they get back from school. Louis asks if him or Niall can order them some food and bring it to them in a couple of hours and Liam tells him that they will get it done and the food will be there in about two hours for them to eat. He tells Liam to use his credit card and to also order them some food and they can all have lunch together before the kids get there.

When the kids get home, Liam and Niall are waiting for them and tells them that they are going home to see their mommy and daddy. Bella jumps up and down ready to see her mommy and daddy. She goes to run toward their house and Niall stops her, saying that she needs to wait for the others and they will all go together. Bella is upset, because she is so ready to see her parents because she has missed seeing them everyday. Jon and Jen are ready to see their parents too, but they know not to run off so they can see them sooner. They walk toward the house holding hands and it goes like this: Jen, Niall, Bella, Liam, and Jon. When Liam and Niall watch the kids and they are walking back, Jen and Jon take turns on who is on the outside. Everyone always makes sure that Bella is in the middle of everyone so she doesn't get hurt.

Harry and Louis are in the living room when the others get there, and Harry is still extremely sore and tired but he couldn't wait to see his babies. The three kids run up to Harry and jump into his lap. Louis sees Harry cringe when they do, but Harry waves him off because Harry missed his babies and is glad that they are back. Liam asks Louis if everything is okay and Louis tells him that Harry is still tired and is extremely sore from all of their activities and Liam just chuckles. Niall goes and sits on the chair across from Harry and watches him with the kids and smiles at them.

Harry goes to get up to go and make them some food for dinner, and Niall asks him where is he going and Harry tells him that he is going to make food. Niall tells him that they have already ordered pizza and it will be here in about 15 minutes, so he needs to sit down and relax. As he goes to sit down, Louis pulls him into his lap. This causes Harry to cringe a little because he is still so sore and Louis tells him that he will take care of him tonight. Harry looks at him and tells him that he is too sore for any of his help and Louis tells him that he was just going to give a good massage. Louis whispers to Harry that he knows he is too sore to do anything else and he wants to make sure that he gets complete after care from the past few days. Harry tells him that the massage sounds really good right now, but he will wait until they are alone and he can be naked.

The pizza arrives and everyone sits down in the living room eating and watching a movie. After dinner, Harry and Louis are sitting by each other, and Bella is sitting on Harry's lap falling asleep. Louis picks her up and takes her to bed. About 30 minutes later, Louis tells Jon and Jen that they need to be heading to bed too, because they have school in the morning. They give everyone a kiss and hug and tells them that they will see them in the morning. Louis, Harry, Liam and Niall sit in the living room for another movie, before Harry is falling asleep. Liam and Niall tells them that they are going home, and Louis picks Harry up and takes him to their room.

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