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Teacher : Alright, class, I'm giving you an activity. You have to draw a poster that shows what's happening all over the world.

Classmate #1 : Ugh! I don't want to!

Classmate #2 : Drawing sucks!

Classmate #3 : I can barely draw stick figures!

Candy & Aika : *High five* *In a whisper* Yeah!

Teacher : But since I understand that not everyone is blessed by drawing talents, I'll give you the freedom to choose a partner so that you won't have a hard time.

Aika : Candy, let's pair up!

Candy : Alright, I'm sure we'll do a good jo-

Everyone : *Looks at Aika and Candy*

Candy & Aika : ...*puts on helmet*

Candy : I'm ready.

Aika : I'm not.

A/N :
We didn't really put on helmets but I figured what we do in that situation. XD

If you don't know who Aika is, she's AikaLollipops visit her here in wattpad because she's awesome (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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