chapter 25

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"she's fine alpha" harris told me in a soothing tone for what felt like the hundreth time as we waited for the blood tests to come back

"check her again" i grumbled tiredly as i listened to felix pace outside the infimary door his pacing making me more irritated and axtiouse

"felix" i barked agrily

as i heard harris take her pulse and check her tempreture

"keep still" i snarled feeling my eye flutter closed as my head slowly lulled forwards a swift growl from my wolf jolted me awake

"i needed to stay awake" i told myself quietly wincing at the pounding that increased ten fold.

i needed to know what was wrong with my mate

we need to know what was wrong with her

i felt my eyes flutter close and this time i knew it was impossible to keep them open as i felt something side over my back as i fell into sleep once more


light flittered in through my closed lids and i frowned allowing them to flutter open

"don't move" my wolf said in a catiouse voice

i became more aware of my body and the way my head was kinked to the side my large body stretched out in the small hospital chair a weight rested on my chest sharing the blanket that covered me

she stirred slightly with a tiny whine escaping her throat

"she's in pain" my wolf whispered as i gently wrapped my arm around her "she's sick and i can't do anything" suddenly my pounding head was the least of my concerns

i heard the room door open flooding the plain white room with temporary light before it was closed

"alpha you're awake" harris' voice filled my ears it was distorted and strange but none the less caused nova to stir

i looked to him "hush' i linked, he looked strange to me but I couldn't put a finger on what it was

"sorry" he said quickly through the ink "i got the results back last night but you were asleep but luna knows"

"what's wrong with her?"

"well alpha try not to freak out too much but--"

"harris" i warned

"luna has c-----"



*smiles evily*

i just thought of the ending of the story (which will be happening in a minumum of 3-4 chapters time)

and you are all going to hate me

i'll try and finish this week but ... no pomises

next week by the latest


i'm sorry for being so lazy (and for my very bad puns...)

but i promise now that holidays are in i'll do more writing

HSC suuuuuuuccccksssssss (secretly like it)

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