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Bearing a a colourful jumper and her best smile

He plants a kiss upon her cheek

"The one that didn't matter at all mattered most."

And her heart did that little jump

You know, that little breath hitch, that disbelief

She'd yearned for his approval

"You've got Tom, you've got Tom" she thinks

But he makes her forget that


All this time they both knew far too well of her little crush

She'd embarrass herself, make a fool of herself

He'd brush her off, he'd shoot a small smile and face away

And she'd begin to speak, but stop the words from coming

She'd bite her tongue and catch her breath and move on

He would never have given her a look, letalone a second

But all the while he'd never leave her mind

His ruffled black curls, his distinct sculptured cheekbones

His cheeky little smirk and his icy blue eyes

But she knew there was warmth behind the harsh facade


There's no way a human being could be so alien

His walls are high and strong, but now forgotten

Emotions were not his forte. He didn't like or want them

But she managed to take a peek inside his fortress

She noticed the pain behind the insentivitiy

The small brooding glances at his polished black shoes

The sadness that struck him when John wasn't looking

It shattered her heart to see him so distant and so untouchable

She wanted to be the one to make him feel warmth

She wanted to be the sun on a cold, cloudy, boring afternoon


Something about her was so pure, so innocent, so needy

She wanted to make him happy, make him smile

She always thought he was gorgeous when he smiled

And that little chuckle he sometimes let escape

And how he furrowed his brows when he didn't understand something

And how he put his hands together and pressed them to his mouth

Almost like he was praying for something, and maybe he was

But he didn't believe in anything, it seemed

He didn't believe in God or morals or friendship or love

He didn't believe in sentimentality or caring


Caring was viewed as a disadvantage to him

Caring for a client could distort his thoughts or sway him

All that mattered to him was the analytical side of his brain

Feelings are just childish illusions to him

Just idiotic and mistaken for actual emotions when all they are is chemicals

He knew nothing about human nature

He knew nothing about humans, full stop

He didn't understand himself and sure as hell would never understand others

But that's now just a story, a good old tale to tell your children

Because he still doesn't understand, but he learned to feel


He learned to feel care for his friend, John

Military and proper and an average human with a combatative personality

And then he realised that he had started to develop and change

And now he knew what it would feel like to be

Friends with someone, to feel right or wrongs, to believe in something

To be in love

But no, it was not with John, John was just a friend, a mate

It was with that girl with the chestnut hair and the warm brown eyes

And who wore floral patterns and painted his life with warmth

With that girl who spent her entire day with people, dead and alive

But never got tired of the empty company


That girl who spent her life surrounded by humans

But was never happy until he was around her

And now he notices her, he looks at her, he talks to her

And he remembers her name, "Molly Hooper" he'd say to himself

And he'd smile an actual smile, a rare sight to all

Just a morgue attendant to everyone else, unnoticed, unloved

And now the one person she always wanted to be noticed by

Saw her

And to her delight, he acknowledged her and knew she was there

"You're not being John, you're being yourself" He said to her

And a smile grew on her small pursed lips and her ponytail swung


He'd sneak a small kiss on her rosy, perfect cheeks

He'd steal tiny glances and flash shimmers in his eyes

He could feel her sneaking past his walls, chipping them

She was chiseling peepholes into the inside of him, the real him

And before, he'd stop her in her tracks and push her far away

But he was accepting the fact that he, Sherlock Holmes

Was freefalling quickly into love

There was no parachute or bungee chord to stop him

And she was terrified, she was engaged to another

But she knew that Tom was just a distraction


She told herself she'd moved on, but she knew it was a lie

He knew it was a lie, everybody knew it was a lie

Here she was, smitten over Sherlock Holmes, the heartless

While she was engaged to a perfectly normal human being

But Sherlock was far more than heartless, oh god no

He had made room in his chilly heart for her

And now her schoolgirl crush is much, much more

It's love, and for once it was real and it was unrequited and genuine

And it may have terrified both of them but they were willing to play along

They were once superboy and invisible girl

But now superboy is just a helpless boy in love

And invisible girl was no longer invisible

{this may seem anti-johnlock but like it's not johnlock is my otp i just ship sherlock and molly really hard okay have a nice day}

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