-Chapter 39-

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"Will you go out on a date with me tomorrow night , baby girl ? " I asked nervously , still wrapping my arms around her waist .

"Sure sexy." she whispered into my ears in a seductive tone, sending goosebumps and shivers all over my body.

"FINNAALLLLYYYY!" I shouted, raising my hands up, causing her to giggle.

"Yeah, i know you like it." I winked as she wrapped her arm around my waist and drifted off to sleep.


*Jess's P.O.V*

I woke up with a smile on my face, still thinking sbout Sam. He finally asked me out and i have a feeling that it'll be amazing. I shot up and my eyes scanend through the enitre theater room looking for any sign of brown gorgeous curls or any sign of a familiar sexy body but unfortunately there was no sign of him.

"JJJEEESSSSSIIICCCAAAAA!" a familiar voice shouted through the entire house , causing me to jump off the couch , landing ontop of the floor with an unbelievably pain on my butt . I shot up quickly and ran to where the shouting was as the voice instantly stopped after i reached it .

"WHAT ? WHO ? WHO DIED ? WHAT HAPPENED ?! " my eyes widened and narrowed to Acacia who was jumping up and down on my bed , holding my phone and scanning through it .

"ohmygosh ! I'm dying right now ! " She grinned and got off the bed .

"WHAT THE HELL , ACACIA ! YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK ! " I groaned loudly and walked towards her who was still smiling like a lunatic child .

"And what the hell are you doing with my phone ? " i questioned angrily and grabbed the phone from her hand . I took it out and read what seemed so interesting about it that made Acacia scream until I was hundred percent deaf .

From : Thesexiestguyintheworld

To : My Princess

Hey babe , Sorry I had to leave early cause i have to go do a sketch with the O2L Boys for Awesomeness TV . but I'll be back soon , I can't wait for tonight ! Wear something formal and no , I'm not telling you where I'm taking you on our first date . Even if you give me puppy dog eyes , It's still not gonna work .

See you soon , gorgeous xx

"AWWWW!" Acacia shouted while resting her head on my shoulder . I smiled ear to ear as i read the message .

"YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE!" She shouted again and grinned .

"Thank you and will you please stop shouting?" i laughed and rolled my eyes .

"I'm sorry but I'm just so happy for you guys." I smiled as she did . We stood in the room for god knows how long .

"Well , what are we waiting for ?! Let's go find a dress for you! " She grinned and grabbed my hand , leading us to the front door downstairs . She took her car keys and walked us out of the house quickly before i stopped her .

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" I commanded , Her expression turned to one of the confusion .

"We're in our pyjamas babe." I said lookind down at our outfits . We paused for a sec and burst out laughing before walking back into the house and got changed . I took a quick shower and got changed into a light union jack shirt , white skinny jeans and white converse . I let my straight brown hair flow over my shoulders and a put a plait at the top , i done abit of my eye make-up and I put in my green eye contacts and put in my lip piercing . [OUTFIT ON THE SIDE] . I swung my bag over my shoulder and went downstairs to look at Acacia who was waiting for me and grinning widely .

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