The Unquiet Dead

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It had been a few days since the scare Sloan had. Now both Sloan and Rose were off getting dressed appropriately for the year. Rose went off somewhere in the wardrobe, Sloan let the TARDIS choose her outfit. She grinned when she saw the outfit. Getting into the dress however was going to be a bigger problem. After a while Sloan had managed to get the outfit on and situated comfortably. Both girls walked back to the console arm and arm but stopped before they entered Rose had a plan. Rose went in first to see what the Doctor's reaction be to Sloan.

The Doctor is working under the console, using his sonic waiting for both girls to come back, when he heard someone enter. He stopped what he was doing and bumped his head as he saw Rose. "Blimey!"

"Don't laugh." Rose said as she chuckled a little bit. She really liked dressing up, it made things fun. 

"You look beautiful, considering." The Doctor threw out casually.

"Considering what?" Rose asked really confused. He throws out a compliment just to insult her again so it seemed.

"That you're human." He shrugged then noticed Sloan wasn't there yet, but he went back to work with the sonic. 

"I think that's a compliment. Aren't you going to change?"

"I've changed my jumper. Come on." He said jumping from his place. Rose stopped him running to the doors before he could even take a step. Sloan would catch up to them, he knew that she would.

"You stay there. You've done this before. This is mine. Besides Sloan maybe you want to come out now." Rose said before walking to the door, but was sure to watch what was going to happen when Sloan stepped into the room.

Sloan was slightly nervous. Though she wore dresses she wasn't used to wearing the elegant old fashioned ones. Though technically it was the fashion of the times they were in. Sloan took a steadying breath before stepping into the console. The Doctor turned to face her and his jaw dropped. Sloan's face heated up and she had that smile on her face that showed she was embarrassed. Though her skin was dark enough not to show a blush, but her skin was still rather light.

"You look, gorgeous." He complimented. Sloan smiled genuinely but was still embarrassed by the compliment. He looked at her confused but held out his arm. She took it and they walked to the door Rose had walked out from.

Rose opens the door and steps gingerly out into the fallen snow. Sloan and the Doctor following slightly behind her. Sloan's face scrunched up in slight disgust she didn't like the cold much. Although snow seemed magical, it wasn't nice when it was melting.

"Ready for this? Here we go." He held out his arms to both girls "History." He told both girls. He was sure to keep Sloan close to him at all times to make sure that if something happened to her again he was there. He was terrified when she collapsed. Brushing it off the three walk down the street while a choir sing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. They stop as a carriage past them, but he let go of Rose, still keeping Sloan close, he bought a newspaper.

As they both read the paper Sloan started to laugh silently. "I got the flight a bit wrong." He told Rose seeing as Sloan already knew. He gave the woman a mock glare but all she did was laugh.

"I don't care." Rose told him with a smile still plastered on her face.

"It's not 1860, it's 1869." He continued.

"I don't care."

"And it's not Naples."

"I don't care."

The Doctor and Sloan (The Doctor and Sloan Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now