Theoretical Science

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You cleared your throat and straightened your glasses as you turned to face the lecture hall of waiting students. You smiled at the adults nervously before you began to speak.

"Time travel," you began. "Is a relatively fictional idea."

There was silence.

"But the theory of timelines, and what would happen if we actually travelled in time, is a subject of great fascination for the human mind." You continued, lacing your fingers together on the wood podium you stood at. "It's often the subject of modern media. For example, take the classic British television show, Doctor Who. It combines the theory of time travel with danger and humor to create a storyline. As we all know, it's very popular among many countries... but the science behind things like the 'TARDIS,' a 'sonic screwdriver,' and even an alien species like a 'timelord' are widely unquestioned."

You turned to the vast black chalkboard behind you. You drew a line in yellow chalk. "Now, I'm sure that most of you know that time is commonly represented as a line, a strict progression of events. And that's true, time moves forward." You drew a curving line starting from one end of the timeline to the other. "But imagine you're someone like 'the Doctor,' and you travel back in time. If you were to look at the Doctor's life in terms of this straight timeline-" you drew more curved lines, trying to represent jumps throughout the timeline. "-he'd be all over the place!" You laughed nervously. No one laughed with you.

Again, you cleared your throats and continued your monologue. "But, if you look at the Doctor's life as his own, his life progresses as a straight timeline just like this one." You drew a second straight line below the first one. "It's just made of somewhat... scrambled events from the first timeline."

Someone raised their hand. A young man about your age, with wavy brown hair, crystalline blue eyes, and a splattering of freckles across his face. The crooked smile he had and the lopsided bow tie he wore made you instantly charmed.

"Are you saying that time, in, in a sense, moves forward-"

"-in all aspects, yes." You nodded. You wanted to laugh at the man's stutter (you thought it was cute) but you reminded yourself that you were there to teach, not to flirt. "Time never really moves backwards. It's just... moving forward on a different... perspective."

A hundred students blinked back at you. You sighed and rubbed your forehead.

"F-forgive me," you stuttered. "I'm not using the right words."

You took a shaky breath and looked over your notes. Raising your eyes to the crowd, you wet your lips and opened your mouth to speak again.

"Think of it this way," you spoke. "Time 'travel' does not exist. It's just the creation of separate timelines that move forward, made of events from a different timeline that move forward in a different combination of events."

You drew some arrows from the first timeline to different spots on the second to demonstrate.

"Now, who has questions?"

Half the room's hands shot up.

You raised your eyebrows, adjusted your glasses, and went to work.


You stood on the stage after your highly successful lecture, beaming at your own achievement. You shook from nerves and excitement as you erased the chalkboard covered in scientific concepts, and you could barely keep the smile off your face.

"Excuse me," someone asked.

You turned around to see the handsome man from earlier. "Hello!" You greeted. "Can I help you with something?"

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