Chp 9: Living On Our Own..

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6 Years Later

Houston, Texas

Taraji POV

I opened my eyes as i was met with the sun burning them. I looked down at my beautiful 6 year old daughter with a smile on my face. Everyday I would nearly break down inside every time I see his resemblance in her. I ran my fingers through her beautiful long curly hair, and watched as she squeezed her teddy bear tightly, snuggling more into my embrace.

Everyday she would ask me 'Mommy, will I ever meet daddy?'. I didn't know what to say at times, and I had to make sure not to repeat things. I would tell her 'daddy's working far away', or 'you'll see him soon', even though she never will. It's been 6 years since I've left my job, the cast, chicago, and of course, Terrence. I've changed my phone number, my email, and I never call anyone else I knew before. I only talk to my parents and new friends I've made. I can't have anyone mention Terrence. I...I hated to do this, to take away the child that me and Terrence always end everything after it taking 11 years for me and Terrence to finally admit our love for eachother..I hated it. But in order for everything to be better, I had to start over.

In my arms was my daughter, and behind me husband. Not terrence, but another man. A tall, handsome darkskinned man by the name of tyrese. He had his arms wrapped around me and had his face in my neck. We got married when my daughter, Madison was 2 years old. He's made me so happy over the past 4 years with him. When we first met, he just adored me and I fell in love with him. Madison rose up as I dozed back off, and I started to feel her jumping around. She jumped in me and tyreses king sized bed. "Mommy! Daddy wakes up!" she shouted. Tyrese opened his eyes and he grinned at her. "Why you waking me and your momma up ladybug?" he asked, grabbing her and starting to tickle her. Ladybug was her nickname he had for her, because it's her favorite insect. She giggled and tyrese kissed me on my neck as I turned to face him. "GoodMorning gorgeous." he said as I smiled. "Good morning handsome." I said smiling as I sat up. "And what are you so happy about?" I asked Madison. "I have no school mommy!" she shouted as she leaped around the room. Tyrese grinned. "No school? I guess that means we can go out and have a snowball fight..what do you say?" asked tyrese. "Yes!!!!" shouted Madison as she ran out of the room. "I'm gonna go get ready right now!" she shouted. "We gotta eat breakfast first baby!" shouted tyrese as he chuckled. I smiled at him. "What are you smiling about, big head?" he asked me. "Nothing much." I replied. He chuckled and wrapped his strong arms around me as he captured my lips. Me and tyrese were best friends back in the day, and we always had some sort of strong love for eachother. He and Terrence never liked eachother, and tyrese doesn't know that Terrence is Madison's father. Tyrese is a singer and actor of course, and not once did he come across Terrence in an acting job. He also doesn't know about Terrence and his memory loss. I pulled away from the kiss and I slowly stood up. "Let me go fix this girl some breakfast before she runs her little butt outside.." I said smiling. "Hey, I'll do it. You just take a nice shower and wake yourself up baby.." he said kissing my lips as he grabbed my sides. "Okay then.." I said smiling. As I turned away, he placed a firm pat onto my ass. "You're such a freak." I said turning to look at him over my shoulder. "I love you..." he said getting up. "Mm, I love you too." I said in a voice of relief and running back to him to kiss him once again. He left out of the room and I went into our master bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and looked at how much I've changed. Physically I looked as fine as wine, but emotionally, I felt as if I had been reincarnated. Like I've made my entire life brand new. I hopped myself into the shower and I washed my hair. After 6 years the paparazzi has sort have forgotten me. There's not many photos being taken of me, and when there are some, I pay them not to release it. I then make up a fake reason on why I quit everything I did before, and then they end up understanding. I turned off the warm water and dried my hair and then dried myself. I brushed my teeth and I got dressed. I was now a head executive of vogue, the fashion industry. After the designer made the designs, I set up ways to get them noticed. I set up magazines, photo shoots, runways, shoutouts, everything. I do the same for cosmetics. Madison loves my job because when I take her to work sometimes, she loves talking to the models and is always picking out outfits and trying to walk on the runway like they do. I got dressed and put on my earrings.

I walked downstairs and watched as Madison ate her pancakes

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I walked downstairs and watched as Madison ate her pancakes. I smiled at the amount to syrup she had around her mouth. "Baby it looks like you're having a hard time with those pancakes.." I said, walking over to her and placing a wet kiss onto her forehead. "I pick up a piece bigger than my mouth mommy!" she said smiling at me. "You have to cut small pieces baby.." I told her. "I keep trying to tell her that, but after seeing a man stuff an entirely hotdog into his mouth she thinks she can do it too.." said tyrese, smiling. I walked over to him and he grabbed my waist. "Look at you all dressed up.." he said smiling. "You like it?" I asked him, spinning around and seductively giving him a view. "I love it, but I would prefer if you wore nothing.." he flirted, grabbing her waist and pulling her to him, while connecting his lips to her neck. "Oh stop.." said taraji, giggling and backing away. "I have to go.." she said smiling. "No breakfast?" he asked her. "Just give me something small, baby.." She said, anxiously checking her watch. He gave her a small pancake and the syrup. She sat down next to Madison and started to eat. She stared at her daughter, unable to shake the resemblance of Terrence that she had, from her thoughts. Sometimes she wonders how he's doing, but she knows she could never go back. She won't. When she watches old episodes of empire, she see's her replacement: Mo'nique. She didn't do bad, but of course the Bowers were confused. The show ended after the first episode of her in it as cookie. When I watched Terrence act as lucious, I just feel so....sympathetic at times. It's sad the way he is now, but I'm not helping nor making a problem with it. I finished eating and kissed Madison and tyrese goodbye and then headed to work...

I walked into my work place, head held high, a smile plastered across my face, and feeling as confident as ever. I watched as people walked past me with grins on their faces. I wasn't the boss, but I was close. I made my way to my office and sat down as I started to search through photo shoot locations. My boss then walked inside. "Morning, henson." she said. "Good Morning Mrs. Wintour." I replied. "Have you heard about our new relocation?" she asked. "Uh, no..I haven't.." I replied. "Well, during discussion I had to think big, I had to think creatively." she replied. "I'm listening." I replied. "We are being temporarily relocated to: Chicago!" she shouted. I felt my heart drop. "C-chicago?" I asked, shocked. "Yes! This will be perfect!" she shouted, leaving out of my office. I sighed and placed my face into my hands. I can't go back there. I can't see any of them ever again..


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