Chapter 13- Gone

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My heart and face went cold. I knew it was all to good to be true. The "new family" I thought I had, didn't want anything to do with me now, just like the last. Or so it felt.

Minutes later of me being chained up, a slithering figure strode into the room. He was as pale as the whites of my eyes, veins struck across his arms and head. He sneered at me with a terrible smirk.

"Miss (L/N), at last. Your family will now pay for trying to deceive me. First the deal was, they bring you at birth. But I was never met. Then you were accepted to Hogwarts, but as, a slytherin. How, cunning. You are not like the rest of your family." His voice trailed off into a wisper. While he was speaking, daisy scuttled along the floor behind him.

"You have a choice. Pay with your blood spilled, or pay alive."

I looked around the room, searching out my possibilities. It seemed I was out of luck, so I spoke my mind before taking my pick. "I have no desire to conform myself to you. But of course, I wish to live. Sometimes. Once I became a slytherin, my whole family despised me. I was supposed to die anyways, right? So I might as well, deture from any chance at becoming something I hate."

He raised his wand. "I see. Pity, you would've made a wonderful death eater.." He raised his wand higher, opening his mouth.

Just when he began to speak, everything seemed to go slower, Draco ran to me, and jumped infront of me, catching the green streak of light. His mother falling down and shouting for him. He held me and looked me in the eyes. I saw the light leave them and he fell the rest of the way, dead.

I was shocked to see this, voldemort looked just as baffled, if not more. I sat there, in my chains, speechless. But they came undone. I looked down at Draco, he had his wand drawn. He must've undone them, just before catching my fate.

I looked around the room, everyone still distraught. Daisy was behind me. I grabbed her, looking into voldemorts eyes. He raised his wand again. I desapperated. I could hear his screams fade as I vapored away.

I was at the entrance of Hogwarts. The person at the gate called for Dumbledore. Who came to the gate quickly, seeing the distraught look on my face, he verrified it was me and they opened the gate.

He took me to his office, he asked me what happened and I told him everything. He understood and told me that I was safe here. I didn't know where I wanted to be. But here was all I had.

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