Chapter 6

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(Landon's POV)

For the next day, I sat in my room. I didn't do anything except for sleep, eat, and use the bathroom. My mom thought I was sick but I just told her that I was tired. On Monday, Ryan wasn't at school. I was kindof mad but more so worried. I spent all day in a sort of trance-like mode. I seemed depressed. I was pissed at everyone and didn't want to talk to people. My friends would make comments on my mood and just say I had a rough morning. For the most part, I was just looking forward to getting out of school for what seemed like forever.

As soon as school let out, I was walking to Ryan's house. More like half running/half walking. But I was so worried my emotions kept me from full on walking or running. Once I got to his front door, I pounded on it as hard as I could.

"Ryan!" I yelled.

No answer

"Ryan! Are you okay?!" I yelled, still pounding on the door.

No answer

I couldn't wait to be let in, so I searched for the key. He told me where it was because I had to take care of his dog once while he was gone. I looked under the doormat but it wasn't there. I then remembered there was a fake rock in the rock bed and got the key from there. I opened the door frantically, being greeted by the large barking dog, Buddy. I didn't bother closing the door and I ran past the dog to Ryan's room.

When I walked into the room, the air was filled with depression and sadness. Scattered throughout his room were used tissues and broken items. Ryan was face-down laying on his air mattress on the floor, he looked like he'd been sobbing uncontrollably and masturbating furiously all day.

"Go away." He said in a squeaky voice.

"What happened?" I asked

"Nothing. Go away."



"Tell me."

He sat up, looking at me. Now I could clearly tell that he had been crying. He looked like he was going to say something but instead just buried his face back into his mattress. He was quiet for a moment until he decided to speak up.

"I broke up with her."


He searched for something around his mattress and handed me his phone. He didn't say anything after that so I didn't do anything with the phone.

"Open it."

I turned on his phone and typed in his passcode. 3518. As soon as it let me in, a Facebook page was loading. I already knew what it was but I wanted to be sure. When it loaded, two pictures came up. One was a picture of Ryan in the bathroom naked and the other one was just of his dick. As much as I wanted to admire them, I couldn't. I scrolled down to see Kaitie had typed something.

"Ryan Garcias sent me a photo of him naked out of nowhere wtf omg. He's such a creep. #getawayfromme #kys #creep"

I looked at Ryan who had started crying. I turned off his phone and put it on the ground next to him. I bent down to sit by him on his bed.

"I would prefer to be alone right now, Landon."

"Okay. Call me if you need anything... I love you."

As I exited his house and walked to mine, I was wondering how bad it would affect Ryan. It's only a 5 minute walk to my house from his, we live on the same street, just far apart on the same street. As I got home I put on some Xbox to distract myself. Before I knew it, it was 9:27 pm and my parents weren't home yet. As I started to play some more, I heard sirens in the distance. Out of curiosity, I looked through the blinds to see the bright lights stop at Ryan's house. My heart dropped. They were carrying someone on a cot and put them in the back of an ambulance. His mom gets home after 9 so it can't be her. As soon as they closed the doors, they left. I dropped all I was doing and ran out the front door, to his mother that was getting in the car.

"What happened?" I asked her, out of breath.

She looked at me, with panic and distraught. Her eyes were red and teary. With sadness, she spoke.

"I found Ryan on the floor with foam coming out of his mouth. He had taken all of my anti-depressants."

I could have passed out at that moment, but instead I just got in the passenger seat of her car.

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