Part 31

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She is still huffing sitting in her bed holding her bed sheet tight in her fist out of anger. She can still remember his words "save your place" . And how she push him and show him her anger to him with her harsh words"u didn't love me Randhir. U all guys are the same. All of u wants baby from u'r wife and if she is not capable of it u guys thought to divorce her and marry other girl. Such a old mentality." No matter how he hard to try to explain in his pleading voice"you know sanyukta it's not like that. Its not me. Its mom. And even if she wanted is that wrong? Becz of her wish we get to know about u'r disease. What if we still didn't unaware of this disease u are carrying of? What if this diseasekilled u towards death? You too know once u told me for a baby. U too love babies. Then what's wrong when my mom ask for it?"
Sanyukta fumed in anger more"no I hate babies. And I love to be with my diseases. At least they be with me.unlike u"
"Sanyukta please."he try to be gentle but she push him more and said" u know what u'r mother is a sick"
"Sanyukta mind u'r language. She is older than u."
"What language huh?? U leave me alone and now telling me that to see my language? Then why u keep silent when u'r mom accusing me all the time?"
"Its u who always start the argument with mom. Even u know that. When ever any of one start the conversation u Bring it to a a shouting one. Even u know that I suggest u ti take a baby adopted but u refuse with a thud and accuse me too"
"Ya now I'm the bad person"
"I'm not telling u that Sanyukta. Now don't start that again. Come let's go to my room and talk. Its cold out here. U will catch cold again"he try to hold her arm but she refuses
"No thanks Mr Sekhawat. U'r new would be wife is waiting there for u. I'm suppose not to go there. I don't want to disturb u'r quality time" she mocked
"Sanyukta stop it. I don't know she was coming like this and hug me all of sudden. I just met her today. U know I was not like that person. I only love u"
"Oh stop it please. I know u well enough now."she turn to go
"U always did that. We started the argument in different topic and she u change it in what? U are accusing me for another girl? Sanyukta are u sure with u'r words? This is what u know me since last 6yrs?"
"Yes. U are just like that what I said"
"Then may be I was failed to get u'r trust and love in this long time"
"U never love me"she said facing her back to him as she too know this is wrong. No Matter what the situation is he always loves her more. More than his own mother.
Rd still looked at her back feeling hurt"Sanyukta I don't want to divorce u"he spoke up with the hope that may be this will broke her anger down and she listing to him calmly
"But I want"she said and walk away from there leaving him alone looking at her figure
. Remembering all the conversation she felt hurt for her own words. She know every words of his is true but her ego didn't let her accept this. Once she too wanted a baby. She loved them a lot. She know how much Rd loved a baby and she wants to give it to him. But when his mother came and ask for she got angry and turn back her back to it. They went for a checkup and found PCOD in her ovary. Rd got so worried for her then. He consult so many doctors for her health not for her baby even she know that but she was too stubborn to follow all the advice of doctors. And the tings come to end like this. She cupped her face with her palm removing her tears and open the side drawer for having her Medicine. She didn't take it since last week after Rd was gone. He always out the medicine in her pillow to remember her about to take it no matter how they talk less in that days but he never leave his responsibility for her. Taking her Medicine she went to her side table where her and rd's 1st anniversary pic is framed. She took it in her palm and kissed his face"I love u".
But no reply came but she know in heart that the reply is always spoken by his heart. She hugs it and smile"you are only mine Randhir"she authorized"no one can snatch u from me.just wait and watch"


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