Chapter 33 - " bilita mpash "

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"What are you doing?" 

A rough grab of my forearm shook my out of my thoughts causing my head to whip in the person's direction. 


"You don't understand, just let me do this." 

As I see the corners of his face, I still can't make out what would I feel if Travis was alive and he were dead instead. The guilt was like a stone pulling against my guts. Was Travis' death better than Brad's. A world without Brad would be a world unthinkable, yet, without him, I survived all this time. 

"Taylor." I froze. 

It's been ages since anyone has called me by that name. It was a name of someone I loathed. Someone who's mourning over a loss of friendship for years. Someone who didn't know how to fend for herself and was labelled a 'nerd'. That wasn't me. That was my good side. My innocent side. My dead side. 

"Sam" I corrected. 

My feet stepped forward, as I eyed the pipe that leads up the house and next to a bedroom window. 

"Sam, Taylor, whatever, it's still you." he urged. 

But my ears were tuned out and my eyes were focused on the pipe. 

He stopped in front of me blocking my sight, his fingers grasped the sides of my shoulders. 

"You're kidding yourself if you think I'm going to let you do whatever it is you're planning to do." he said in a deep voice. 

"You have no control over me Brad, you don't know me anymore." I shrugged off his hands and continued on my mission.

Brad's POV 

In one second, that brain of mine actually made some use. My fingers found her waist before they swiftly unknotted  leather jacket. 

I held it up in the air and took three steps back from her. 

"Then why are you holding on to this?" 

The familiarity of the thick leather felt like home in my hands. There had to be a reason why I never felt truly myself. Why I never felt like I belonged somewhere. This was home. She was home. 

Her eyes widened before she pounced towards the jacket. 

"Give it!" She cried. 

Taylor's POV 

"You have no right to take it, give it back!" I yell-whispered not wanting to wake anyone up. 

"I have no right?" he said with his charming lopsided smile. 

"No, you don't" I crossed my arms like a little kid. 

"If you want it, come and get it." he simply said before running towards the trees. 


Before I knew it, my feet took off on its own towards him. 

"Brad, it's not funny. Please I need it!" I cried in between breaths. 

He probably underestimated my running skills as he slowed down and constantly looked back. Perfect. 

As he neared the clearing, I swerved to the side and among the trees. He stopped at the clearing surrounded by trees and yellow leaves, leather jacket in hand and panting like he just ran a mile. 

The cheeky smile on his face softened as he looked around. 

"HAH!" I pounced onto his back. 

My arms looped around his neck while my legs did a super grip on his hips. 

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