chapter 21. Thunderstorms and Fun

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I entered the house, shivering. It just so happened to be that a thunderstorm started up. I tried to fly faster, but that just created electricity from friction, so a lightning bolt went straight for me. I crash landed in a huge oak tree. My arm hit the trunk. I just decided to walk. While I could be twirling, and laughing in the mist of the clouds, if the lightning hadn't come, I could have had all that. But, no. So I had to walk. Now I was soaked to the bone. Or in this case, to the wing. I heard a sigh. "Your 2 minutes late." I heard. "Yea, I know. But no-one could've flown through that. No need for drastic measures." I said, waving whoever said that off. They sighed. "Go upstairs." I saw it was beka. "Ok. Thanks for letting Me off-" "don't push it." I heard her say. I rolled my eyes. "Would it kill you to be nice for more than 10 seconds?" I asked. "Would it kill YOU to not soak the carpet to the floor boards?" she half yelled. "Sheesh. Sorry. I stormed upstairs to my master bedroom.  "Late night grumps.." I mumbled. I closed My door, and changed into my pajamas. I came out, to grab something to eat, and go back to my room. Once I got back in, bill was laying on my bed, bouncing his leg which was crossed over the other. "What Do you want?" I growled. He snapped his fingers, lighting them. "Oh, nothing. Just to say that you are going to be going home in less than a week. *Chuckle* well it solves my problem." he smirked. "Wha- wait no! Please!! Not yet!" I begged. "Well kid, sorry, I can't do anything about your stupid leaving gig.. Except..." I narrowed my eyes. "No. Not if I had to die." I hissed. bill chuckled and snapped, transporting behind me. "That can be arranged." he giggled evilly. "See you in your dreams." a poof of gold color and metallic smell was left in his place. "Ok. See ya. Dorito.." I mumbled, climbing into bed, (of course after putting a bedding of blankets where bill was laying.) I pulled my computer out of the cubby above my head. I typed up, 'manyland' and started chatting. I saw a person named 'DipperTheDapper' I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. He was in a suit that looked like dippers. "Hey, DipperTheDapper, you know your mocking my boyfreind, right?" I typed up, lightning fast. He stood there not saying anything. "Uh, no I'm not. Dipper isn't real. Go away. I don't like people like you, who think their so smart." he threw a pixelated bomb at me, and ran. I just walked away. "Ok then." I said, earning a few typed up laughs from passersby. I typed in 'Chloeworld' and poofed to my mansion-like home I built. I went up to my bed, and slept. Then while sleeping I logged off manyland and closed my laptop. Then fell asleep quickly.

(Ps: you guys should really try Manyland. Its so fun!! Just type it in on Google, and it'll come up. Its the game I'm always on if I have a chance. Try it!!)    

Would You Give It All?       Dipper X Reader     By; PugInShades Where stories live. Discover now