Chapter 1

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"There there..." a blonde hair woman whispered, rocking a baby with pink hair to sleep who wore a little cute pink dress, her pink hair combed in two pigtails. "Daddy will be here any minute...okay Nashi.." the blonde that name went by Lucy whispered, walking towards the window to see if there were a car outside.

"Your stupid father indeed.." Lucy grumbled under her breath, biting the insides of her cheek. "He's two hours late...that idiot.." she said, looking to see if her baby was sleeping and she was.

Nashi's eyes were closed as she slept peacefully on her mother's shoulder with her mouth open, showing off her little tooth.

" look just like me..and not that idiotic man" the door to the baby's room was knocked lightly before it was pushed open and a head popped out. "Lucy.." a blue short hair woman whispered, her brown eyes meeting contact with Lucy chocolate ones. "It's Natsu, he wants to speak to you over the phone"

"Come in Levy, hold her" "Okay" Levy walked in the room and Lucy gently hand her her baby. "Don't make too much noise okay?" Levy nodded then the blonde tip toed out the room.


Lucy walked in the living room and saw the phone laying flat on the table. She sighed before she picked it up and answered "Please don't say you're gonna set me up Natsu" the mother groaned and the male chuckled on the other side of the phone.

"Nah I ain't going to set you up, it's just that I may be late.." "Oh not again..Natsu you were supposed to be here around two o' clock and now it's four something" Lucy argued. "It's just that I've been caught up with something" "Like what?" "Which isn't your buisness miss but say what I'll be there around three something"

"I'm sorry is wax in your big ears, let me rephrase it's four something" Lucy said "Oh...oh yeah, okay big head I'll be there just give me fifteen minutes" Lucy sighed "I'm trusting your words this time, if you make it here any later it'll be my foot up your short ass you hear" Natsu chuckled "Oh I'd like to see you try"

Lucy sighed before she hung up the phone and walked towards the kitchen. "I'm starving.." she grumbled.

15 minutes later

The door was knocked and Levy walked towards it, turning the handle and pulling open the door. "Oh hey" there she saw the pink hair man wearing a white t shirt and black jeans along with a pair of shoes, a lolipop in his mouth. "Heyo wait..Levy is that you?" Natsu touched the woman face, squeezing her cheeks "Oh you grow up so fast.." he squealed and the bluenette rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut it, we're the same age you fool" "Hm..and the little girl got chats too, go in the corner" he pointed at a wall and Levy chuckled before she turned around and yelled "Lucy, the father's here!" "The father, you could of just say Natsu you know.." "I rather say father" he walked pass her and Levy gasped.

"Hey I didn't say you could of get in an-" she stopped herself and sighed "you'll never change Natsu.."

"You bet cha"

They heard footsteps coming down the stairs and there they saw Lucy, holding a still asleep Nashi with a bag in her hand. "Oh Nashi..." Natsu smiled, stretching his hands for her but the mother stopped and stared at him. "What?" he asked.

"Don't tell me you turned gay now" Lucy said and he rolled his eyes while Levy chuckled. "Give me my damn baby" he took Nashi from her and Lucy chuckled. "It was just a joke you know" "Oh I know but you're bad at them" Lucy paused and Natsu smirked.

"Anyways.." she shook her head "here's her bag" Natsu took the bag from her and looked around the place. "Wow look at all these spider webs.." "Oh just shut up and go" Lucy gently pushed her ex husband forward with her baby towards the door. "You rushing me out already?" Natsu asked.

"Well yeah because I've got things to do you know" "Like what, going to the dentist because those teeths" Levy chuckled from afar and Lucy shook her head once again.

"Not that you idiot, and anyways it's none of your buisness anyways.." "Okay I hear you miss Heartfilia" Natsu said, standing by the door with their baby girl who Lucy looked at and smiled.

"See you Sunday Nashi.." Lucy leaned forward and gave her baby's forhead a kiss before backing away.

"So no kiss for me?" Natsu asked. "Shut up you, your girlfriend's in the car" Lucy looked at the car parked on the road and waved at the white hair woman. "Hello Lisanna!" the woman known as Lisanna, turned to Lucy and waved "Hello Lucy!" her attention went back to the mirror as she was putting on some lipstick.

"Anyways.." Lucy turned to Natsu and smiled "Bye, make sure and take care of my baby and make sure she eats" "Duh, would I starve my baby?" he asked "what father am I?" "An idiotic one" Lucy said and he watched her, taking the lolipop out his mouth. "You like to suck don't you?" she raised a brow.

"Nah...just observing the lolipop and you guys are the same" he said in amazement. "What's the same" Lucy smiled, folding her arms at him.

"The head" her smile dropped and he smirked before he walked forward, towards his car. "You're lucky Nashi's in your arms other wise I'd beat you to that car" "Ha.." Natsu laughed, turning back to wave at her. "Bye Luce" "Bye.." she waved.

Levy walked out the door and stood besides Lucy, the two watching as Natsu gave Lisanna the baby. "How long have they been dating?" Levy asked. "Nine months now..I just hope her hands are washed" Lucy mumbled, showing fake smiles as Lisanna waved them before the car drove off. "Don't really trust that girl.." the mother said.

"Anyway we should get back to work lolipop head" Levy sai before she entered the house "Yeah we should- wait..what did you called me?" Lucy asked, turning around but got her friend's laughter in the end.

That's the first chapter for you. Now I decided to do another story but a funny one, something like my first book, One Night Stand lol.

Now please enjoy everyone.

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