Chapter 6 "Money"

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Colors Used for Money and Prosperity Spells

In the Wiccan religion, candles of different colors are used to enhance a particular spell's effectiveness. Since different factions of Wiccans may follow slightly different traditions, it is important to explore several theories on using colors within spells.

Magickal Cat
The Magickal Cat has a color reference chart that lists four colors that would be good choices to use in Wiccan candle spells for money and prosperity:

Copper: Business success, passion, money, fertility, career growth

Gold: Fast luck, financial benefits
Brown: Attracts money, financial success
Green: Financial issues, money, prosperity, good fortune


Items needed:

2 black candles

Nail, needle, Exacto knife, or other sharp pointed device used to etch candle

An effective candle spell for wealth and prosperity utilizes two black candles since black draws in all color and energy in the universe. Etch your name and the words "money", "wealth", "riches" and any other words of power along the sides of the candles. Then light the candles and grasp them firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers, a sign that your aura is mingling with the candles' auras and that your intentions are firmly grounded in the candles.

Visualize what you want, saying,

"These candles bring me wealth and riches."

"In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects!"

When finished, extinguish the flame with a spoon, candle snuffer, or your fingers (not your breath, which will change the spell).

Begin this spell on Sunday, Thursday, or Friday as these days honor the sun, Jupiter, and Venus respectively.

Re-light the candles every night until they are completely burned down. Daily repetition will increase the spell's effectiveness and your own prosperity consciousness.


You will need:

Paper and pen

Seven dimes

A quart jar with screw-on lid

Bay leaf

The spell:

Write your need on the paper and drop it in the jar. Take the seven dimes in your dominant hand and place them one by one into the jar. As each one drops, visualize it multiplying into huge amounts and say:

Toward this wish, the money grows
By leaps and bounds, it overflows.
Coins that jingle, coins that shine
Come to me now, you are mine!

Write your name on the back of the bay leaf and drop it into the jar. Screw the lid on tightly and put the jar in a place where you can see it every day, but a place where it is not visible to everyone who enters your home. Add a coin or two to the jar every day, and watch as money flows to you from unexpected sources. After you obtain the money you need, remove the paper and bury it outside or in a potted plant. Wash the jar and reuse it for another magic ritual later.


Items Needed:

A Willow tree near running or clear water

Paper money of any amount (if the hex is minor, use a smaller bill. If it's major, use a larger bill. It's up to you.)

At midnight, when the moon is completely dark, go to the willow and lean against the trunk, saying:

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