9. Defiance

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"Yeah, right!" Casper scoffed after a stunned silence. "First; Who ever heard of such a load of crap. And second; I would be able to feel and hear Charlotte."

Wren nodded.

"Casper doesn't believe you and neither do I."

Art shook his head in disbelieve.

"I finally tell you the truth and this is how you react?"

Wren followed the boy stomping through the house.

"What did you expect after feeding me nothing but lies. Give me proof!"

Art hesitated. The easiest way and most conclusive was if he shifted into his wolf form. He almost immediately rejected that option; the close confinement made it unwise. Besides that; he didn't like the growing anxiety of Casper. He glared at Wren.

"I don't trust your wolfs ability to stay of Charlotte if I were to shift. I don't intend to let her be mounted again."

"I agree", said Wren, ignoring a vicious growl from Casper.

"You can't keep me from her, Orlando. I need to remark her at least once every five days or else her heat will start again."

"According to Casper we have four days to find another way to remark Charlotte and stop her heat", Wren said looking sternly at Art. "A good way to start uncovering all this nonsense would be to take down that damned blind of yours. Who again was it that put in on you?"

Art cocked his head.

"My Alpha."

Wren shook his head.

"Don't test my patience, boy."

"Just tell him, Art. We've already come this far", Charlotte softly nudged him.

"Oh, ok."

Art took a deep breath.

"My father."

Before Wren could react to this astonishing news there was a knock at the door. A messenger from the palace was clearly in a hurry because he hardly waited for the door to open before he began to speak.

"Captain Wren, Sir. Your presence is requested by Prince Alexi. His Highness is on his way to the Royal stables to intercept Lieutenant Nox who is planning to execute Stormrider, Sir."

Wren turned to Art. Their conflict was totally shelved by both parties.

"You stay here."

Art grabbed Wrens arm.

"No way! I'm coming with you", he said with determination.

The man ignored the sparks that suddenly shot through his body and caved when he saw the concern in Art's beautiful green eyes.

"Ok. But you will do as I say. Understand?!"

When they arrived there was a group of men already waiting in front of the stables. Nox and Prince Alexi were having a heated discussion.

"This is outrageous, Lieutenant. You are far exceeding your responsibilities by taking it upon yourself to execute this horse."

Nox looked smug and was unfazed by the anger of the Crown Prince.

"I understand that Your Highness is opposed to disposing the animal because of personal attachment. However, as your protector I must insist in eliminating this threat to your safety. Stormrider is no longer a reliable horse. He reacted to foreign signals and tried to throw you. If Your Highness wasn't such an excellent rider he would have succeeded in killing you. This can not be tolerated. A signal must be given to the public that no threats to the Crown Prince will be allowed. No trespass will be forgiven."

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now