Endeavour for Elation

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We and all of our friends had this glorious idea to take our tents out to the brush and in a space cleared by the legends before our time we'd set up camp for the weekend. We drove far enough out of town that we wouldn't be interrupted by the authorities, just teenagers in need of some recklessness.

We were friends but I wanted to be more. You were with her though so I tried my damnedest not to hope that I could do something, anything, to make you see me differently.

Alcohol and take out from the nearest diner was enough to keep our mischievous grins in place. I pretended I was focused on the girls' animated chatter while the boys' started a fire surrounded by our tents, but I found myself glancing in your direction and hoping that you'd notice.

When she in little clothing walked with showy sway in her hips, territorial in her actions, put her hands on you and then her lips on yours, I cringed inwardly. The part of me that I endeavoured to suppress noticed that you were less interested in her affections than she was in yours.

But did I dare hope?

After the liquor in our bottles was depleted and our personalities were coloured more vibrantly we all seemed to care a little less for one another's opinions. I watched her slink into a tent that wasn't yours as the night played on and the rest of our group turned in. She wasn't quiet in her betrayal.

I just relaxed by the low burning fire that made the shadows dance eerily with what was left of my drink in my hand. You sat on the other side, watching the flames while I stole moments for myself to take in the sight of you freed from her chains.

"You're aware that your girlfriend is comfy in someone else's tent, right?" The alcohol gave me courage.

"I'll let her have tonight before I leave. She's likely too intoxicated to understand me anyhow." Your expression was not angry and so I did not feel too bad for asking. With your seductively deep voice paired with your shadow of facial hair from not shaving this weekend, I was enthralled. I wished it was me that you'd talk to our friends about.

"That's kinder than she deserves," I pushed him ruthlessly.

"Walk with me?" Your offer was surprising. My heart fluttered, I'd wanted your attention for the night's duration and now that you were giving it to me I was fumbling. 

I threw back the rest of my drink. "Sure," I replied with mock nonchalance. I heard you unzip your rucksack and rustle around inside it searching for something. You closed it when you found a flashlight.

"Ready?" you smiled. 

"Lead the way," I offered. It was amusing that everyone else had already turned in, they didn't know how to pace themselves as we did.

I followed you down a narrow path, careful to keep track of where you shone the light. Low bouts of thunder sounded nearby and it seemed like no time had passed when the drops of rain appeared, tickling my skin.

"We're almost there," you said from further down the walkway.

"Where might that be?"

"Trust me, you'll love it."

I rolled my eyes in the dark but was thankful that you couldn't see my smile. I felt giddy at the prospect of being alone with you.

You pushed a branch in our way to the side and made an opening for us to move through. I was in awe at what laid before me. A stunning clearing around a still pond that reflected the light of the moon was just for us right now. Enveloped in the warm air of summer and closed off by the fullness of the trees, it was like we were in our own faultless world.

I laughed out loud when the rain fell faster. With my hair plastered to my face and my eyes alight with uncontained elation, you pulled me to you. "I want to kiss you!" you yelled over the crashing of rain on water and mirroring my mood. 

"Then do it!" I gave you permission. You kissed me in the rainstorm and when we came up for air to stop the spinning you showed me the picture you'd taken with your phone. 

Blurry behind the droplets of water your screen displayed an image of us, two stuttering hearts in a single frame. You'd given me all that I'd wanted. "I think we should show everyone that we're together now by posting this," you said breathless. 

"Is that what we are? Together?"

"We are what we should have been all along."

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